Sister Juniper Godsworn
The cycle of change is to fall, to break, to fail. Then, and this is the important part, then we rise, we heal, we overcome.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Flamebright Hope
Gender: female
Marital Status: married
Age: 23
Birthday: 3/3
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Courtier
Height: average height
Hair Color: cardinal
Eye Color: silvery blue
Skintone: cream
Obituary: Died in the process of giving hope to a very old friend.
Description: A study in contrasts: the depthless jet of Lycean eyes behind a veil of curls the colour of banked coals in winter. Juniper is the best of North and South in presentation, combining the elegance and refinement of feature so famous among the city-states with the vibrant warmth and resiliency of those raised among chilly, distant mountains. In a room of beauties, it's true she might be lost, even with such colouration-- there will always be others more lovely, more radiant; those who are more petite or more imposing. She walks the middle ground and achieves in her bearing something else, something worthy: hers is happy and supportive company, with the broad strokes of her endearing personality carried foremost before her, like a shield... or a chalice, held up in offering to those who recognize her merit in a glance.
Personality: It's easy to mistake Juniper's curiousity and energy as facets of a shallow and youthful character. She's bright of mind and spirit, with a tendency to focus on the good and the constructive as a means to balance all the bad in the world. This has often seen her written off as young, naive, hopelessly optimistic. Beneath the glimmer of high spirits and boundless enthusiasm, she is keen, perceptive and fiercely committed to maintaining the warmth she carries in her heart for her land and her people. June knows the world is a dangerous place, full of unknowns. But where she walks, the atmosphere feels less oppressive, and those she reaches out to help are often left feeling refreshed and renewed, capable of shouldering their burdens once more... so maybe there is something to her take on things too.
Background: Every child goes through a truth-telling phase. "His nose looks like a dry toad, she's bow-legged as my pony!" they say. Then they grow up. Juniper also grew up but she never lost her preference for adhering to the truth as she saw it.
Child of a father who worked in the mines and a mother who carried shield and spear to protect others, Juniper was the cuckoo in the next of their little family. Her parents and her siblings were all large, healthy, stoic people; no one quite knew what to make of their small, sweet and social child-- especially as she was prone to pointing out the realities of the world and people around them.
But she was endearing in her own way. As she grew older, she earned a string of successively ridiculous nicknames like Pebble, Slip, Fidget and Flop, all of which broadcast the bemused love her family had for her and her curious ways. They went above and beyond to secure her a life more appropriate to her needs, with small, slender strings pulled by her mother to secure her a place as bodyservant to Rhea Nightgold. There, they hoped, she could receive the education best suited to her particular strengths. And there, in spite of humble beginnings and her preference for unabashed honesty even in refined company, she excelled.
So much so that when Rhea was transported to Arx, it was determined Juniper would go with her as a "positive influence". What the social soothsayers did not expect was that Juniper, though still adoring of her mistress, would be lured away to join the Whispers. The new heir smell hadn't even worn off of her lady yet! But there she is, ensconced as fresh-faced and earnest courtier in a city where lies are frequently used as currency and her tendency towards truth-telling may carry a distinct liability.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Adora | Whisper with amazing taste in furniture. But she's far too friendly. We are not friends! I don't like eher. |
Aethan | Experienced something that would horrify anyone -- but pushed past it to help. A commendable trait. |
Agostino | Charming, lovely, and remarkably calm in the face of the unexpected. Or else surprisingly well-connected. |
Ajax | This woman, she somehow manages to point out the positive parts of statement that are things I usually don't say for the sake of my sellsword image. That could get annoying quick. But she seems alright. Smart, savvy, and likely very dangerous. |
Aleksei | She's just so much _fun_, you know? She's just got one of those light, bright spirits. I hope she does so well in the Faith. |
Andry | She seems nice |
Apollo | A very warm and curious person, and clearly very close with Marquessa Reigna. |
Astraea | A Whisper who has a knack for making people laugh. I like her very much, more than I usually like new acquaintances and friends. I'm definitely going to be visiting the Whisper House in the future and hope to see her again when I do. |
Austen | A most generous and lovely woman. A Whisper, which would probably explain why talking to her was as easy as breathing. But maybe not the only reason. I feel as if a day in her company would pass like a minute. |
Berenice | What a /darling/. Whatever she might think, she stands out in the very best of ways. |
Bhandn | While I can't say I particularly enjoyed being drenched with mop water, the conversation - and the tea - made up for it in spades. I will have to remember to stop by in the winter months especially. |
Bliss | What a lovely new creature to play with. I am not entirely sure she is sure of anything just yet, not even herself, but she is here - and she is landing on both her feet, with such a curious and inquisitive mind, while figuring out what kind of Whisper she would like to be. The timidity will fade as the skill grows. I strongly suspect she will be a force to deal with. |
Brigida | Dutiful, helpful and just a little bit of irreverence. Not too much to earn a switch to the palms though. |
Cahal | She has the most fantastic, daring, fashion ideas. I might try one or two but perhaps not the golden mesh. I have my limits! |
Caith | She is a lovely person. I understand. I get it. I really do. |
Cassandra | A whisper, I enjoyed her company while she watched me spar. Perhaps I will get to know her better. |
Catalana | I heard she was a whisper who saw a need to do better. She is no sister Sophie. Seems she only has time for those lower than herself. |
Celeste | I had worked with Juniper through messengers on a matter important to another. Getting to meet her in person was a far more satisfying experience. She is a marvelous woman, and someone I would like to call friend. What will come from our meeting I do not even know, but at least she brought some measure of solace. |
Clover | A sweet and loving Whisper, whose spirit seems to shine bright and gently. It's like being in the sun with being near her. You can just tell she cares about people. |
Cullen | Some people leave their rustic lifestyle behind to come to Arx, then are filled with fear or apprehension for the new that they find. Not this one - she should make a fine Whisper and all around interesting person with her curiosity of the unknown. |
Daemon | A whisper, a companion to my larger brother! She seems sweet. I hope they have great fun together. |
Delilah | I met her in the Queensrest Inn reading about griffons and wondering if penguins might be ridden. Naturally I think she may be one of my favourite Whispers yet. |
Dianara | There are more than a few within the Whisper House that murmur what a shame it is that we lost her in our ranks, but, having seen her in action in the midst of a crisis, I think she's right where she's meant to be. Sometimes the best paths are the ones that twist and wind themselves to the summit. |
Domonico | An asute Sister of the Faith. Knowledgeable and respectful, she has proved useful council. |
Draven | She seems nice! A tiny bit Fluff focused! But still nice! Smart too! I like her! She likes Sir Floppington! And whiskey! No wonder Nova likes her! |
Eddard | Part of the Whisper Courtier House. And quick with words too. I may have to hang around her. Steal her turns of phrases. |
Eleanor | She was Rhea's SERVANT and she still LIKES her. She must be a very impressive woman. I hope we can be friends. |
Elsa | A Whisper unafraid to take social risks, and with the grace to carry herself through unscathed. A delightful woman, I really must speak with her again. The Shepherds could use a Whisper like her speaking on their behalf. |
Flavien | She speaks of sacrifice of herself and her future. I wonder what ways this may be true yet unseen. |
Galatea | She seems earnest, kind, and well-traveled. Pleasant conversation. |
Gianna | The lively Whisper is rapidly gaining a reputation as a skilled diplomat and excellent company. She'll go far. |
Gilroy | The hero diplomat Whisper. Maybe she'll be the next Radiant. |
Harlex | A very charmin' young woman. Reminds me of the girls back home on the farm. Glad my helmet didn't bite her whole hand off--maybe she'll speak to me again. |
Icelyn | When danger came to call, she protected with her body those who couldn't protect themselves. The gods have blessed her with all the bravery she needs, and more. |
Jasher | What I see at a glance is rarely what a Whisper truly is. Time will tell what lies beneath the mask. |
Jeffeth | It started with a letter that got lost, then a chain that got traded, scars that reminded too much, and a mask that will never be returned. A truly cherished story. |
Jordan | Is it any surprise that Mistress Juniper proves to be quite adroit at engaging conversation? |
Josephine | A woman of compassion and a dazzling smile when graced with it. There will be a place at my table, ever and always for this woman of great skill and grace. |
Kenna | Oh heaven help me and BLESS HER, this pillow fighting thing was AMAZING. This is absolute perfection which means she must be also! |
Khanne | She has done good work for the township, and been a benefit to the project. I am glad she is interested, let alone willing, to continue working with -most- of us. One day, I will get to know her outside of this bit of business we had. |
Laric | Young, bright, and only just dipping her toes in the ocean. I'll be watching this one. |
Laurel | Courageous in the face of dark shadows that plague Arx. She is an embodiment of Lagoma's light and kindness as well. I am all too glad she was there to help and is close with the Guildmistress. |
Martino | An utter delight to be around, finest grace and excellent charm. A superb storyteller and creative muse for many I imagine. Good host. |
Mikani | Lady seems nice enough. Wants peace; sometimes to get there you have to go through the bad. Not just make it all shiny from the get go. |
Miranda | I attended Sister Juniper's sermon, but didn't get a chance to meet her. I look forward to getting to know her better, perhaps even to seek out her wisdom on occassion. |
Mirk | A Northern Whisper, and unfailingly cheerful, to boot. Not at all what I was expecting. That's not a bad thing. |
Modi | I have the Whispers to thank for my ability to maneuver around a fancy party at all and this Juniper seems to be a fine example of their ilk. Her taste in drink for the evening was exquisite. |
Nicholaus | A young woman with a Beautiful voice, quick wit, and a charming personality. Not to mention alarmingly disarming. I can see why she's a Whisper. |
Nurie | A fire-haired delight of a Sister, who knows how to have fun! I'm sure we'll cross paths again, and I certainly hope so. It's nice to meet someone who is so willing to meet others where they are, with no reservation. |
Parisa | A gust of summer wind in the middle of winter. |
Raimon | A quiet woman, but one who has a deep understanding of the world |
Reese | Cheerful, pretty, charistmatic and has great stories and information. |
Reigna | Has there ever been a person more radiant? She positively glows. Warmth and compassion, a clear desire to set a heart at ease, to offer reassurance and laughter as needed, and not without her own steel. She is incredible, and a true example of the best of the Whisper House. |
Rosalie | And absolutely lovely woman, a Whisper, and she has -fabulous- taste in hats! I can only hope to get to spend more time in her wonderful company. |
Rysen | Calm and focused in the face of danger, she is truly a guardian and protector of lives. |
Sabella | A lovely Whisper who seems quite well spoken and hilarious! I must get to know her better! |
Simone | I seem to have caught the Sister at the wrong time, but the Gods know I've had those times myself. |
Sirius | When she stood athwart me, I felt as if recalled from the yon side of death. Mother often said that saints live amongst us mortals, taking the guise of the humbled and earnest alike, to come instill and inspire us flawed into greatness when the burdens become too much. In all my skepticism, I chose not to believe, but meeting presumed peddler brought a lapse on such tabulation. |
Sophie | She's utterly delightful, which is to be expected of a Whisper, really. |
Tescelina | She smiles as the dawn smiles, I like her warmth. But she did not seem well. I wish to fix this, if I am able. |
Thena | A charming woman and exemplary Whisper, if her reaction to the fracas in the Solace Armory was any indication. I hope Leona was able to provide her some guidance. |
Tyrus | It took some time between the first words we shared and actually meeting her. Still, even in writing, she provided support and grounding, and I saw today that she could do the same even amidst chaos and horror. |
Vanora | She has such a unique beauty, as if the south and north were to combine and create something truly fetching. Her poise and confidence go a long way too, she is not a shy violet as I might have expected. I could like her one day. |
Vincenzo | All curves and curls and porcelain skin. Emerald is perfect, but too obvious. Gilded bone, perhaps? Carved earrings to hint at her past, gilt to foretell her future. Teal silk and copper netting. Rabbit fur somewhere? There is something there. Soft and alluring. |
Vitalis | A delightful storyteller. So delightful, I think I may not give her an opportunity to finish her tale and risk losing my hat. Though I do need a stool... |
Willow | Captivating Whisper. Her hair is gorgeous and she seems to share my interest in herbalism |
Zoey | Kind, polite, insightful. |