The flight of the arrow is as true as the skill and the nerve of the woman with the bow.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Veteran Huntress
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 35
Birthday: 7/6
Religion: Shamanism/Pantheon
Vocation: Soldier
Height: average height
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: dark brown
Skintone: tanned
Obituary: Died fighting cultists in the Gray Forest, ambushed on patrol.
Description: Sable is lean. She has the build of someone that's always had to work to eat, with a runner's legs for chasing down prey and muscular arms for drawing a bow. Brown-skinned, her hair is a deep, dark, rich brown, and prone to extra volume when not bound. Her eyes are blue-green. She has a way of looking solemn and rather intense. Her high cheekbones lend a regal air to her. A long scar slashes down from just above her right brow, over the bridge of her nose, all the way to her cheek. Sable has a slight limp, evidence of an injury that didn't quite heal perfectly. She always wears a bone talisman adorned with two ink-black feathers on a leather cord around her neck.
Personality: Something about Sable will never seem civilized, at least by Arxian standards. She's quick to smile, quick to laugh, and wild enough that it ought to surprise no one she has only recently bent the knee. An explorer at heart, she's game to try just about anything once. Curiosity is what has brought her to Arx, or more specifically, the Lodge of Petrichor. The Pantheon is new to Sable, and Petrichor interests her very much.
Wild as she may seem, Sable is very meticulous about certain things, and that attention to detail is part of what makes her an excellent archer. The rest is patience, determination, grit, and a deep connection to the rhythms and hierarchies of nature.
Background: Some of Sable's earliest memories are of tending to her mother's arrows. Archery is in her blood; her mother was a huntress, and her mother was a huntress, and so on and so forth. As soon as she could hold and draw a bow, she knew what she was and where she wanted to be: a huntress, in the woods.
The Greenwood was her home for many years. She saw numerous battles with other shav'arvani and Valardinians both. In truth, she still sees House Valardin as more foe than friend, though she has, of course, bent the knee. She would have stayed in the woods forever, but a bad break of her leg that never quite healed properly has curtailed her activities somewhat.
She's still good with a bow, however, and she can make them quite well. The city intrigues her, and while she'll never be entirely comfortable in urban environments, it was time for a change.
Name | Summary |
Aethan | An archer, and straightforward. Appreciated, especially in Arx. |
Amantha | She seems a down-to-earth sort. That is the sort of person I enjoy. |
Amari | I thought she might be the silent and proudly untalkative kind, but once beyond the initial reserve, she's lovely to chat with and a ranger! It was great fortune to finally have a chance to meet again in less frantic circumstances. |
Asher | A Prodigal who can handle herself in a fight, but chooses to simply not fight, if she doesn't have to? Smart. We'll have to talk more at length another time. |
Brigida | A fletcher and hunter. New to the city. Glad to help someone interested in learning about the Lord of the Deep Woods. |
Caspian | She seems kinda funny. I like her, I should get to know her. |
Delilah | Very quiet, she listens when caught in discussion rather than speaking widely. That shows a kind of wisdom. |
Echo | The tried and tested bow and dagger combination. A lethal kind of thing, exceptionally good with being light-weight and allowing easy manuverability as well as a much more silent approach. Oh! I bet she prefers leathers, too. |
Faruq | An archer whom does not seem to care for any sort of showmanship. I can understand that, but not all blade styles are the same. Quite good with the bow if Sir Jordan wishes her assistance. |
Harlex | A seasoned huntress by the look. Still has the wildness lingering on her, wasn't too different myself so long ago. |
Jeffeth | A scout I met on a trip with the Explorers. She's a good sort. A keen eye and a quiet step. I wasn't so quiet, but she was nice about it all the same. Someone I wouldn't mind working with more often. |
Jordan | A survivor and a wanderer. I offered her a job for a season, as I will need good people in the campaigns to come. |
Jyri | One look at her, and I'm intrigued. Hopefully will run into her again. |
Leola | Relieved at the understanding there are others like her around Arx. I understand that relief and that warmth. |
Lorenzo | An interesting woman with many fascinating experiences, I'm sure. She seems to know a lot about the shavs around the Lodge, though she seems a little hesitant about talking about them, for whatever reason. I'd love the chance to talk with her more. |
Luca | She seems sensible. She thinks I'm a bit strange. That's sensible. It's definitely endearing, though. Er, me, I'm endearing. I'm not sure being sensible is endearing at all, but I think she could make it work. |
Lucita | A capable archer, one who has an interest in learning of the Pantheon and is dedicating her skills toward the Lodge protection. That is a worthy goal. Perhaps, if she is a good teacher, may seek her out for archery lessons at some time. |
Melody | Few rarely make such a strong first impression, but Sable's won my heart. It's rare to find someone who enjoys the woods just as much as myself, and -- With how she claims to want to protect it? Yeah, I'm rightly impressed. |
Mikani | Woman with a wonderlust heart like my own. |
Navi | An archer, a huntress, a prodigal. I think given time I could see her as a friend. Rarer yet than those white blooms in the garden. |
Niklas | A capable archer, but maybe a little humorless and pretty rough around the edges. But the city will wear those down. |
Petal | serious, thoughtful and seems to hear what is going around her even in large gatherings. Also arrows! |
Reese | At the traders haven, meeting Sable. |
Sparte | She seems like a nice sort, wears the sort of outfit I'd expect of a tracker of a huntsman from Redrain lands. I'll be curious to hear what that talisman she wears is about some day. |
Vanora | I was so pleased to have the opportunity to meet her when I hosted friends to drink wine and talk theology. She was extremely nervous, I hope I did well enough putting her at ease. I'd like to speak to her more, hopefully somewhere she finds herself more comfortable. |