A choice between killing and dying ain't no choice at all. You've got to be realistic about these things.

Social Rank: 9
Concept: Shady Outdoorman
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 33
Birthday: 8/23
Religion: Shamanism
Vocation: Criminal
Height: tall
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: reddish brown
Skintone: tanned
Description: The man before you seems to resemble more of a bear than a man. Tall and broad shouldered, he easily stands over six feet in height and weighs over two hundred and forty pounds with only a little of that being soft. Shoulder length brown hair the color of old oak is cut at sharp, uneven angles likely by a knife in his own hand and pulled back away from his face in a snarly mess to be secured by a small bit of leather cord. His face looks like it has seen more than one beating with a nose that has obviously been broken and set more than once, a swollen cauliflower ear and a few smaller scars that are visible where his skin is bare. However, the majority of his face is taken up with a full, bushy beard that drapes down to his chest complete with a proper drink strainer of a moustache on his upper lip. Above the beard a pair of eyes the color of burnt sienna peer out at the world, bright and alert, with only the hint of crows feet starting to appear at their edges to give a hint at his age. Thick, strong fingers are on the end of each hand along with heavily scared knuckles and the calloused palms of a working man. A dark swath of brown hair covers the back of his arm and disappears up his sleeve to hint at hirsute beneath.
Personality: Wyaar can be personable enough, but he isn't some fancy pants noble. Ask him a question and he'll give you an answer with no special regard for rank or birth. He isn't stupid and shows deference as needed, but that's only to keep the lash off his back and head on his shoulders.
Background: Wyaar was born as yet another mouth to feed to the struggling family of a woodsman in the hardly civilized fringes of the north on the Redrain side. His mother died when he was three trying to give birth to yet another sibling and by the time he was six Only himself, his father and his eldest sister were left. He took to woodcraft along with his father, trapping and hunting, selling furs to traders for whatever the wilderness couldn't provide.
It was a hard life and when he was a teenager he realized it didn't need to be quite so hard. Wyaar managed to observe a group of bandits robbing and butchering the traders his family had just sold their furs to. The bandits left the furs in favor of the coins so he fetched the furs to sell again to the next trader that came along. By the next summer he had left his family behind for a life of brigandry. He roamed from one side of Arvum to the other in various outlaw bands and even worked a few legit gigs as caravan scouts, mercenary and the briefest of stints as a regular in a Redrain militia that he accidentally found himself conscripted in to.
He has gotten older now, a mite slower to get up in the morning though still quite spry. With all of the activity going on in Arx he figured he might give it a try.. might be some easy coin to be had that didn't make him so damn sore the next week.
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