Brother Skriggs
Stay awhile. Lift your worries into a nice mug of brew, lad. There's a prayer to Mangata sure to be had at the bottom.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Brawling Brewmaster Priest
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 38
Birthday: 1/15
Religion: pantheon
Vocation: Priest
Height: short
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: blue
Skintone: white
Description: Short, spindley, and eyes wide with the energetic buzz of a champion drunk, Skriggs is far from the ideal Godsworn. While many maidens can tower over the man few can boast the well martialed physique hidden under his plain, baggy robes. His hair is kept short, if one could recognize the wild strands sticking out to and fro with no particular pattern as being 'kept'. While balding and other aging features like crows feet at the eyes or wrinkles around the nose tell of the man's age he still has every last one of his teeth and his large grins display his pearly whites proudly. On the rare occassion he is sober, Skriggs may be seen as a bit meak in his walk but thankfully he is often times found completely intoxicated, walking with the swagger of a man five lagers in.
Personality: Brother Skrigg's tone and mannerisms clash against his haggard and rugged appearance. When he speaks he booms with joy. When he moves it is with the flow of a careless dancer. His words are as honeyed as his meads and his step is often affected by the latter. Whether sober or intoxicated, the priest can always be seen marveling in the present and doing his best to ensure his flock - or even the random passerby, are all reminded to be thankful for their small fortunes in the day.
Background: Born and bred on the docks of Arx, Skriggs often had to contend with the other children for consideration in games around the alley or, if the older children were on the prowl, quick enough to avoid their whallopings. This life suited a young Skriggs, who was often left to his own devices with his mother off tending to the sick in the hospitals and his father sailing to sea on whatever merchant ship would take him. The young commoner grew to love his home city for the many wonders it held just outside of his reach, like the many prim and proper towers and manses the nobles lived in. The only escape Skriggs found from his much smaller existence in the few blocks he called home was in his time in the Shrines of the Faithful. The grandeur of the sites put the boy into an awe each visit and fostered a muted respect for the priestly order in the boy. While any were free to join their numbers and this meant the odd nobility within the ranks, the Godsworn were a faith that sheltered and taught all who came to them.
While the choirs and sermons brought breaks from a chaotic childhood of no supervision, Skriggs found that as he grew into a young man that their welcoming arms may not just hold peace for him but also a warm meal and the only offer of a roof over his head. With a particularly serious illness having spread through his neighborhood, Skriggs finally lost his mother. When his father learned the news on his return to port, Skriggs was not surprised to find he had left with another merchant the next day, and even less surprised to have never seen him again.
Taken in by the Faithful, Skriggs took to learning his numbers and his letters, rounding out common education from the streets with much more theological ideals. Since taking his oath and swearing his fealty to the Pantheon over any House or family, Brother Skriggs has taken to brewmastery and in the pursuit of a good mead has become something of a adept bee-keeper amongst the Godsworn of Arx.
Name | Summary |
Faruq | Seems a very likeable fellow for a Priest. Not quite so pushy with the Faith. Maybe it's because of where we met, but I like him. |
Harlex | A real tough-as-nails priest. Reminds me of an old friend. |
Lucilia | A man of the cloth, but not an overbearing one. Rare. Good friend. |
Sheena | He is very confusing. It is good to give choices but.. should it be done with your own stuff? |