Gwendolyn Reed
There's nothing a little medicine can't fix!

Social Rank: 8
Concept: demure, optimistic herbalist
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 18
Birthday: 5/21
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Apothecary
Height: average height
Hair Color: copper
Eye Color: emerald green
Skintone: pale
Description: Rather short by most standards, this demure woman can't be much taller than five-five, looking like she hasn't quite earned her growth spurt at any point of her life. Copper hair tumbles down in gentle waves to her shoulders, bangs mostly uncut to create a veil over bright green emerald eyes that seem to pierce through everything they glance at. Freckles have been splashed all over her face, most of it over the bridge of her nose and upon rosy cheeks. A cute button nose and small lips alongside a small chin give way to the rest of her body. Graceful and lithe are what comes to mind when defining the small woman along with small swells that ensure her femininity.
Personality: A shy girl who always tries her hardest in the face of things. Not used to warfare or combat and living the easy life of a commoner gives her a hardworking but easy-going demeanor, believing that hard work and the power of medicine can accomplish or help accomplish any feat. Undernearth her demureness sits a bright and cheerful woman, despite a past of struggles.
Background: Living a rather quiet life with her brother and family, working to pay their taxes every year, they lived off in forest province where Gwendolyn became intimate with the plant life native to their home. From an early age she learned the proper berries to consume, and which were poisonous, with every year her knowledge grew over every plant, vegetable, root and leaf that she stumbled across, eventually making her own little book with the paper her family could afford. As the years went on she blossomed into a woman, though never quite grew very tall, making her reserved and shy about her lower than average height and using her hair to create a veil over her eyes to keep herself out of sight and mind. At some point, a large flash forest fire hit while she was out gathering, instantaneous and unable to react in time she thought she lost everyone she knew. Though whether by cruel fate, or blessing by the Gods, her brother Gavin survived and she holds onto him, scared of losing all her family. Carrying herself the best she can with her intimate knowledge of the flora of the lands, she travels mainland with her brother for a second chance at life.
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