Sir Austen Ferron
Medals aren't really made of gold. They're made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find metal called guts.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Greenhorn Guard
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 28
Birthday: 10/24
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: tall
Hair Color: sable
Eye Color: brown
Skintone: tan
Description: A man of tall height and physical rigidity, Austen is imposing for someone so young. His set of rust brown eyes beneath tufted brows seem to look right through a person, carrying within them an eerie amount of intensity. His dark hair is cropped close to his scalp, longer on the crown of his head and tapering shorter on the sides. His nose is slightly crooked due to having been broken and healed awkwardly, but otherwise his facial features are unblemished, if not considered plain. He has the lean, muscular appearance of somebody accustomed to hard training.
Personality: It would be a mistake to consider Austen a dull man. While not especially outgoing, he is determined and decisive, and his silence is not borne of thoughtlessness or shyness: he's just terrible at small talk. Additionally, deception is not something Austen does: he is consciously opposed to it and terrible at it on the rare occasion he tries.
He is fiercely protective of his family and the few people close to him. Threats are not beyond him, regardless of who the threat is, but he can usually get the sentiment across by glaring daggers.
Background:     Austen Ferron is the baby of the family, though he may look far from it. He and his family resided in a small hamlet within the Oathlands and he spent most of his youth doing farmwork and growing strong through manual labor. The older youths of the village would often pick on him, until one day he shot up and wasn't quite so scrawny any more. Then he beat them up.
    Austen did not particulary want to become a farmer, nor did he wish to become a smith like his eldest sister Ida, so when the opportunity arose he joined the military as a soldier. It did not take quite as well as he thought it would: after running afoul of a vengeful noble he was discharged, but at that point he was just about done with that foray anyway.
    He returned home, still a teenager longing to be something more in the world. One day, a perfect opportunity arose: on his trek to the nearby city he came across the beleaguered caravan of a knight, and after helping fix the wheel the knight offered him a position as his squire. He happily accepted, and for the next two years accompanied the knight errant on his travels, learning what he could. Early into his eighteenth year he was knighted to little fanfare, but knighthood fit much better on Austen than farmerhood.
    He arrived in Arx and joined the Iron Guard at the recommendation of a friend of a friend. The intricacies of city law still puzzle him, but he is slowly getting the gist of it.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aahana | A Valardin knight who is quite cute when he allows a hint of blush to escape to his cheeks. And quite fun to converse with before his shift. |
Aiden | It's refreshing to see friends in the street loosening their armor to play a game amongst eachother, even if it is, for a battle over a note or some such thing. It's a small reminder and gives a person hope. |
Ainsley | Fierce, earnest. I cannot think of better qualities I would wish for in someone serving the Iron Guard. I can see him excelling. |
Alarissa | The imrpessive figure he cuts on the gauntlet. Valardin is lucky to have his fealty. |
Aleksei | Dame Ida's brother. We met at a very particular time for me. Talked we know we're doing the right thing. If only there was an easy answer to that one. |
Alessandro | A knight, brother to Dame Ida. Claims to be boring, but I have my doubts. Certainly pleasant company. |
Alexis | Dame Ida's brother - and because of the impression his sister's made, I think that's who I'll always think of him as. Still, a charming enough fellow, with a bright and bushy-tailed look and attitude. |
Amari | He seems a little out of his element, but Arx can be a little intimidating. He does have courage enough to make it here, I think. |
Andry | He seems to have a strung of bad luck, I hope it's not infectious |
Arcelia | It was pleasure to meet the knight. Never a better way to meet someone that fighting giant crabs and getting covered in sailor's blood. Thankfully, Austen has a good head on his shoulders and enough muscle to help cleave through that much chitin. |
Asher | Of course the guardsman is all business. All 'Halt' and 'Who Goes There'. But that's his job, so I guess he is doing something right. |
Aslaug | (A crude sketch of a smile made up of crooked teeth.) |
Barric | Apparently doesn't have much of a taste for teas, not that I blame him overmuch, tea is tea really. |
Bhandn | He's one of the One Hundred, which I think says all that needs saying about anyone. Still, I do wonder if his sister /would/ agree to a little bit of levity in teasing her brother, but ultimately he is probably right about why she would not. |
Bors | Always a pleasure to meet a knight with strong ideals. I wish him well on his patrols, and look forward to sparring more with him. I believe he could teach me. |
Caith | I called this knight into service at the Taproom, asking him to dance with me when the mood struck. I think he was embarrassed but it was such fun! I hope he had a good time. At least a little bit! He seemed so nice under all that blushing! |
Calaudrin | An Oathlander, such an Oathlander. But he's a good kid, he'll do fine if he stops beating himself up. The Abyss is fucking scary. |
Caspian | He is a very knightly kind of guy. If he has any flair, he should become a Champion! |
Clara | Alright, his fellow Guard's man was a bit lackin' on the brain side but Austen seems ta have his head on his shoulders nice an' firm. Let me get out of the damn snow an' didn' give me too much trouble after. Must be a good man. Still, I should buy him a drink sometime ta apologize fer me mouth. |
Corrigan | Blends in in the Lowers like a rum-soaked Thraxian warlord at a Lycene women's slumber party. |
Cristoph | A very polite young man, I'm concerned about his fixation with dying. Death by lack of training, death by sister, etc.. Otherwise very nice, I sincerely hope he doesn't end up murdered in a snow bank. |
Cullen | Dame Ida's brother, he seems to fit the stereotype of the normal Oathlander and is an iron guard, so his humor is sometimes lacking. Still, he seems devoted to his sister, and that in itself is a good quality. |
Delilah | One eager to understand and smart enough to know when to hold his tongue to learn. |
Desma | A wandering knight that's worked his way into being one of the King's Own. Pleasant and articulate, and with a sense of pride for his family. I'd like to think our paths will cross again as he makes for pleasant company. |
Dianna | An honest knight and one of The King's Own. I shall, of course, like to know him more. |
Domonico | Damn good fighter. Hits very hard with his claymore. I hope never to face him in mortal combat. |
Duarte | The staid and humorless Oathland knight. Always a fun time. |
Dycard | An old friend; whose very presence gives off a certain easy, comfortable reassurance. We need to catch up over a bottle somewhere less crowded sometime. |
Eleanor | He could be a strong member of the King's Own. If he wants it. ... and stops taking advice from Riagnon. |
Eleyna | I've only known one other man that would throw himself off the back of a -moving- horse to -punch- a deer. I married him. I'm nearly as impressed with Sir Austen. |
Esme | He seems like a stand up guy, still not sure why he's flying and scared on behalf of the deer. I'm sure we shall be best friends. |
Faruq | Not a very competetive man, to suggest training dummies to a fellow looking for a spar while fully armored and armed himself. It's rare I get to face another greatsword user too. Such a pity. I will have to flex at him more I think to lure him in. |
Filshiar | Serious-minded and very dutiful, but a good friend. An excellent example. |
Fiora | He was a nice knight. He wanted to talk. Which is fine. It didn't bother me at all. His princely friend however. Good.Ness. |
Gareth | What needs to be said about this knight? Simplicity and a journymen of manners. The type of man I would love to keep silently in the ranks until he is needed to punch something. |
Gianna | A knight in the Iron Guard who also appreciates music. |
Gwenna | A Valardin knight and Iron Guard, Sir Austen seems a quiet, intelligent, and somewhat intriguing sort. While I don't suspect our paths might cross very often, I would be glad to see him again if they do. |
Harlex | A skilled swordsman. Iron Guard. They continue to be steady folks, they know what they fight for--which is a rarity in most. |
Harper | For a knight, he's not bad. Unlike some, he doesn't have a stick up his arse at least. I'll be curious to see how he handles himself. |
Ian | Once he learns to move with the momentum of his sword, he's going to be hard to beat. |
Ida | While my younger brother, Austen is someone I often look up to. A member of the Iron Guard is enough to make anyone proud, but he takes time to visit which I know takes what little free time he has. I'm so glad we ended up in Arx together and am often amazed at how our paths lead here. |
Ignacio | A determined knight in service of House Valadrin. I always enjoy encountering a honorable Knight. I expect he will serve his House well. |
Imi | It hasn't said much in the times I've been around Sir Austen, but he hasn't needed to. I'll stand with this brother in arms anytime he needs me. |
Iseulet | Austen is, dare I say, adorable. I know, I say that about a man clad in armor roughly twice my weight clad head to toe in armor but we met at the Botanical Gardens and seeing him sit across from me so delicately with porcelain teacup in one hand and cookie in the other is now etched firmly in my memory and will do much to color my opinion of him in the future. Temper or no. |
Jacali | A man of flattery that shall owe in instalments! I could rather get used to it. |
Jasher | A clam. Difficult conversationalist but what little was spoken revealed an interesting man with more wits than his silence suggests. Also wears a hard shell of armor. |
Jeffeth | An Iron Guard knight who seems polite and very diligent about his duties. Good for him! |
Jordan | Dame Ida's brother and a knight on his own accord. He's pleasant and an engaging conversational partner. I suspect we may have a number of things in common and would become good drinking buddies, in time. So perhaps it's time to seek him out for a night of carousing, sometime. |
Joscelin | Rather like a man assessing his position in the greater whole of what he's now become, trying to find his own personal borders while fitting into the spaces left by those around him. A jewel movement in an enormous clock. (I rather like him) |
Juniper | He claims to have no skill for conversation and social niceties. If he speaks true, and one hopes for truth from a knight, imagine how formidable he would be if he put his mind to improving his wordplay alongside his swordplay! |
Jyri | The honor of fighting next to him is no small thing. Glad he is in the Iron Guard with us. |
Katarina | Austen strikes me as an unsual man; not so much that he is odd, quite the contrary. It is that he is unapologetic for who he is and makes no effort to change. There is a great deal of strength to respected in a man of his character. I just wonder if he realizes it? |
Kenjay | A very good man to have on your side in a fight, a very bad man to be facing. |
Kenna | Austen is such a dear. He pretends to be all tough, but I'm sure he's just as fluffy inside as he is hard outside. |
Korka | A man that seems to always be aware of his surroundings. A valuable skill down in the Lowers. |
Liara | Quiet fellow, though he was quick enough to introduce himself and say hello all the same. Even got a laugh out of him, so he's certainly capable of cheerfulness. |
Lorenzo | A fine man of reasonable opinions. Pleasant to share a cup of coffee with. Also, he should definitely get a dog. |
Luca | I'm always seeing this one around, but rarely do I get the chance to just sit and talk with him. He seems to have a good head and a decent sense of himself, so it's a shame about the whole 'Iron Guard' thing, though I'm sure he fills out the position admirably enough. |
Lys | He's so cute! He doesn't get sarcasm and charm seems to bounce right off of him. I want to pinch his cheeks. |
Mabelle | A handsome knight with a quirky sense of humor. |
Magpie | While the knight wouldn't purchase a particularly special batch of smokes from Magpie, he didn't stop the man either. That puts the knight up a notch in the smuggler's book. Always nice to know when someone in a position of upholding the law will look the other way. |
Malcolm | Sir Austen's good folk. An officier in the Iron Guard and a knight that drinks milk - not whiskey. Didn't mind me talking at all. |
Margerie | Ferron is a name that comes with expectations for my family. We are so very fond of Dame Ida, her company and her works. Young Sir Austen Ferron seems like an upstanding young representative of his clan. I wish him good fortune in the guard. |
Marian | He was quite kind to me by getting that stool and keeping me company till the shopkeeper got back. Clearly dedicated to the Iron Guard. |
Melody | A very knightly sorts. You know the kind - Loyal, polite, honest... Oh so honest. Big and strong as a knight would be -- And he's apparently good at punching people! |
Mercedes | A knight of the Iron Guard and of Valardin. He won the Gauntlet that Princess Alarissa hosted. He seems humble and honorable; he does the Oathlands proud. |
Mikani | Proud Guard, Even Prouder Brother. |
Miranda | Seems a quiet man. A fellow Knight, which is always good. It is always the quiet ones we have to look out for, so I'll be watching him. |
Mirari | A knight of something from somewhere. His first words to me were followed by an apology. I suppose that sums up how our meeting went. I suppose I'd speak to him again, after I've had enough whiskey. |
Mirari | He's as sweet as a fine Lycene wine. He's as earnest as a good cup of Grayson tea. As upstanding as a glass of Valardin milk. I could go on but these metaphors are getting ridiculous. Sir Austen Ferron is an earnest, kind, and good man. A bit straight laced for the taste of a Lycene Courtier like myself, but still a fine man. |
Mirk | A Southern warrior with strong opinions about weaponry. It's rare to see that paired with interest in the affairs of a business, but perhaps he's merely making sure he has first claim on any particularly promising weapons and armor. |
Monique | He packs quite a whallop and the man has more stamina than I do. It's impressive. And attractive. It's too bad he's Dame Ida's little brother. |
Niklas | A doughty knight with a strong sense of duty. |
Niklas | Off in search of danger? Sir Austen is quite a doughty warrior! I'll stay at home and have a nap. |
Norwood | A man of good humor and a solid bearing. I hope to learn more of him and what he does with the guard. |
Nuala | A man plenty polite in his bearing and not afraid to spar in words or arms. In that, I'd be interested to see how well I hold up against him. |
Oliver | I suppose it's a good thing Joscelin's communication on their relationship was false. Else I'd have a reason to dislike him. And he seems like such an okay chap! |
Petal | A knight who seems like a nice guy. |
Porter | For a man that's entirely ENCASED in metal, he's pretty light on his feet. He claims to be faster out of it, but we'll see. I've never seen an Oathlander take off their armor, so I'm not sure he really knows that for sure or not. Either way, excellent trainer. |
Ras | A knight, got a sense of humor, tries to be kind. Maybe sorta clumsy though. |
Raymesin | Solid, this man, and from what I can see it's in every way that counts. I really wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him, but apparently some people don't see the danger in annoying a King's Own. |
Reese | A knight and a member of the Iron Guard. He seems like a stand up sort. |
Renata | A Knight, and one that knows his coffee. The nutmeg was inspired. |
Renato | Ah such a pretty blush for a man, the knight is clearly unused to Lycene ways, I hope he does not get hurt. |
Revell | Had the time and the patience to listen to the woes of a complete stranger. I like him. He's sweet.. That's going to get abused in Arx. I hope he's more careful than he appears. |
Riagnon | What a exciting, outgoing, and generally personable man! Vastly accomplished in all things casual conversation. Let none doubt it! |
Rohran | The man has no skill with small talk, that much is obvious. I can't say I would ever count that against him, however. It was something that I spent no small amount of effort, in learning. And still, when someone else can carry the conversation, I am always happier to listen than to speak. I don't know much about Austen Ferron yet, save that his sister is a remarkable person, and I hope all the best qualities in her are something he has also inherited, even if manifested in other ways. He tells me he is a guardsman, though. I respect that. A thankless job at the best of times, and a nightmare at the worst. Guardsmen are rarely ever hailed as heroes, but each and all of them should be. I hope it is a duty he is dedicated to. |
Rook | It's unfortunate when someone hesitates to enter the Whisper House due to what might be found inside, so it is our job, non-Whispers and Whispers alike to ensure that is put right. A congenial man, hopefully Sir Ferron now can set foot without that look he had upon his face. |
Rosalie | I'll admit to having been a bit tongue-tied around the knight. He's such a dashing figure! *sigh* Damn my lack of social finesse... |
Sabella | A very gentlemanly knight whom I have never actually seen fight, but whose services seem very much in demand! I always enjoy our conversations! |
Sabella | Sir Austen might be a bit quiet, but I always enjoy our conversations and he seems to be the most gentle, polite knight I have ever met! |
Selene | A knight of the King's Own bearing a solidly practical outlook, veiled in devotion for the Faith. I found him an easy partner for conversation and wonderfully calming. When the words flow this easily, time goes into suspension. He's a fine companion, and one I hope to have again on a winter's night. |
Skye | Oh I could just hug him. And then maybe make him a very nice meal. Or something equally appreciative. Dycard has had so much darkness, I am so happy to see that he's making friends. |
Snow | apparently we have met before but I don't remember it. But he seems a bit stoic really. |
Sorrel | A wide-eyed young knight with a pleasant air who makes good company, especially when one wants a warm drink by a fire. He's got a very interesting sword, too. |
Talen | A mutant of a man wrapped in steel and falls like an anvil. Onto deer. Which he punches. |
Tanith | A knight who likes my cooking -and- my cookies. And apologized for causing trouble with Corrigan. Of course I'm going to instantly like him, and tell him he can do whatever he likes with Corrigan. Probably do Corrigan some good. |
Thea | Every time I've come across Sir Austen, he's been polite. Right down to checking on someone if he hits them to hard in a spar. Dont do that! We know it hurts. It's supposed to! One can actually learn from him, even it's like hitting a damn boulder. As has been taught to me my whole life, good footwork! |
Theo | A man of few words, and fewer social graces. He's quite amusing, though, and I am enjoying his company. |
Valarian | Like most Iron Guards, too eager to please and too servile by half. That being said, he's an affable and genial enough sort if you overlook the choice in vocation and the behavior that goes with it. |
Valerius | A man of action and also of thought, of tactics and of humor. I look forward to his lessons. |
Vandred | Austen is an Iron Guard. Honestly, I've not had the worst meetings with them, I've not had the best, but Austen seemed dependable. That's nice. |
Vanora | He was kind to me while those around him were cautious at best, judgmental at worst. It shows strength of character to willingly engage with a lady that high nobles are casting derision towards. A stranger, but one that appears impressive, even if he does not realize it. |
Vittorio | An agile fighter, doesnt shy from a random challenge. |
Warrick | Willing to humor my possibly invasive questions. Good for encouragement. |
Zoey | A reputation for honesty, and polite upon our first meet. I suspect he has a good heart. |