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Action Id: 3647 Crisis: Participants: Bhandn
Status: Resolved Submitted: July 29, 2019, 9:55 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Silver: 15000
Economic Resources: 300
Social Resources: 300

Action by Bhandn

As part of the penance he requested, Sir Bhandn will be spending an increased amount of time in the Lowers doing charity work. He will be particularly focused on the sick and infirm (as he knows a small amount of the Mercies' arts), and contributing his amassed resources to try and do some good for the orphans especially. New clothing, some toys, and handling sickness and injury are among his top concerns. Those of a higher age he will see who might well be suited for beginning an apprenticeship, be it to a smith or other trade.

He makes it clear that this is a gift, asking for nothing in return for giving them. What he does ask, however, is to be shown those in particular need, especially the ill and infirm. Those he cannot see to himself, he'll arrange to be cared for by those who can, be they Mercy, Physician, or even a midwife who knows a bit more than household remedies.

He will also be trying to spread a message amongst them as well: "Avarice to build /hope/."


Even more than money and favors, it just takes time. Bhandn spends an extensive amount of time doing penance work down in the Lower Boroughs, helping to see the ill and infirm getting aid. Selflessly, asking nothing in return, and just working and working to see them helped.

And it does help. Quite a bit in fact, Bhandn's efforts personally help well over a hundred people, and it's something he can take a great amount of pride in. Some of them are starting apprenticeships, and will certainly have a better life. Though all his efforts do help drive home about the scale of the issues. The amount of silver to 'fix' the Lower Boroughs would probably be astronomical, and is essentially unobtainable- but his good works still are noticable against the tapestry of ongoing suffering.