Rukhnis Al-Katibi
Each of us, when we have set impossible goals, knowing in our hearts that we shall never gain them, guard a little flame of hope that we shelter against the strong winds of certainty.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Steadfast Shadow
Gender: female
Marital Status: married
Age: 29
Birthday: 7/6
Religion: Shamanism/Pantheon
Vocation: Servant
Height: average height
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: black
Skintone: light copper
Description: Despite her essential foreignness, Rukhnis gives an underwhelming impression of earthen nondescriptness to those who spare her only a glance. They will see a woman -- if they don't mistake her for a boy -- of no great height, square of face, compact in form, dark of eye with light coppery skin, her short and slightly frizzy dark brown hair pulled back in a thin braided tail: a creature brown and stolid as the ground she stands on. From many people, this first glance is the only glance Rukhnis will get. But for those who take a second look, with clearer and more curious eyes, there is something more. At rest -- in the amazing stillness of which she's capable of standing, in which you could almost forget she was there -- her bearing is poised and erect, and when she moves a fluid grace appears in all her motion. There is a proud cast to her nose and mouth, and a stubborn set to her jaw. Most of all, there is her eyes: not merely dark, but black and liquid as ink, with a gaze both guarded and curiously intense. Just as curious, her low voice possesses a wonderfully melodious cadence which is utterly spoiled by a rough rasp, and her right hand is marked by an ugly puckered scar that runs from palm to heel.
Personality: "Dour," "stoic," and "stiff" might all be good descriptors used by anyone meeting Rukhnis for the first time. They might be equally applicable the second, third, fourth, and all the other times, with the possible addition of "proud," "reticent," and perhaps "morose." Whatever she really thinks and feels, she isn't often much inclined to talk about it. When she is, it might be better if she wasn't, as she can be extremely blunt and judgmental. On the other hand, in general she seems inclined towards courtesy and even kindness, in an extremely formal way. She has a strong personal code of honour, and her loyalty towards anyone whom she feels has earned it knows few bounds. She is also quite intellectually curious, and harbours a carefully guarded love of poetry, dancing, and flowers.
Background: As suggested by her looks, Rukhnis hails originally from the Dune Kingdoms of Eurus, and is willing to concede under sustained questioning that she was a priestess or wise woman or some vaguely similar manner of person among some clan of desert tribesmen roaming the back of beyond, whose exact name and location she declines to give. She also seems to have spent some time as a scholar in the Mourning Isles, which perhaps explains her rather good command of the Arvani language and her haphazardly patchy knowledge about the land of Arvum itself. She is disinclined to speak about her reasons for leaving either Eurus or the Mourning Isles, or to explain just how she wound up in the service of Lord Rysen Crovane as his personal retainer, but it seems to be this latter circumstance that brought her to Arx.
Since her arrival in the city she has largely avoided drawing attention aside from establishing herself as a healer of some small note and a trusted servant of Crovane. Joining the Physicians guild early on, she had the chance to prove her medical abilities when a Eurusi ship collided with the city docks, depositing a few dozen liberated slaves who had become afflicted with an epidemic illness. Eventually she received the great honour of being appointed Assistant Guildmaster by the legendary healer Marquessa Reigna Keaton, and was also assigned the post of Crovane Minister of Medicine. While dividing her time between her house and guild, much of her work is directed towards improving the lives of the poor and marginalized and she can often be found working at the Commons Clinic in the Lower Boroughs.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aethan | An able investigator, and good to have on missions. |
Alina | A strange woman from Eurus. I wonder if she will teach me about that land. It is odd that she is so defensive of a commoner. Was he her slave? I should be careful in how I approach that topic. Eurusi are fond of slavery. |
Anisha | Messere Al-Katibi is an intriguing woman, spoken highly off by voices I trust. Yet she's quick to dismiss such - and I'll ascribe to that a desire to prove herself through deeds rather than the words of others. No-nonsense, but with a quiet grace and elegance that could still carry her through both court and battlefield alike. |
Apollo | I'm not sure I like how she pushes folk around. |
Arcadia | A quiet woman, but quick minded and smart. I think there is a lot she sees and may never breathe a word of. |
Ashur | A foreigner. From Eurus, no less, if my judgment is correct! What a truly fascinating creature. I have never met one of her kind before, though she appears more courteous than heathen, and her company is quite pleasant. |
Athaur | A fairly stoic individual with a strong distaste for boats |
Azova | Not one to complain of injuries when clearly she has something to complain about! Nor is she boastful. |
Bahiya | Her voice is soothing, as soothing as the scent of her; crisp and sharp, green, like fresh rosemary. The hint of herb-smoke lingers about her, a pleasant accompaniment with the rough velvet of her voice. Eurusi, her accent tugs at my own and not for the first time do I feel that guilty homesickness drawn forth. |
Basilio | Oh look, more Eurusi! Except this one be a doctor of sorts. Quite a stern one for a tiny thing. |
Beatrice | She reminds of the cliffs of Caina - watchful, stern, silent until the waves crash upon them. |
Behtuk | Stillness should never be mistaken for inability. A sharp eye can always tell the difference between a snow-covered rock and a bear covering its nose. |
Blacktongue | A fellow tea drinker. Excellent. |
Braith | Where are you from oh lovely lady? Tell me your story. |
Caspian | A good teacher, too bad I'm a bad student |
Cassandra | While I appreciate her spirited defense of her friend, in this case, I find it misplaced. But I hope to surround myself with people that are just as caring as she is of Ras. |
Cassima | A friendly Northern walking companion. Perhaps a little lacking in direction but who among us isn't? |
Clara | A wonderful scout and physician ta have along on any journey. |
Corrigan | So *serious.* I know some people delight in being aloof and mysterious, but I'm not certain this woman has the *capacity* to smile or laugh. Maybe it's a Eurusi thing. |
Delilah | There is nothing so potent or inspiring as a competent woman. Rukhnis embodies that quality deeply, even if she wisely keeps her skillfulness a matter of mystery. |
Dianna | She is surely more than she seems. |
Dio | A skillful, resilient physician of Eurusi decent. What she lack in gregariousness, she makes up in competence. |
Dion | Seems when she gets an idea she doesn't let it go. I have to commend that level of determination, wrong headed or not. |
Drake | Not the type of woman to joke around with, I think. Things must be difficult for her currently in Arx, and I feel a bit bad for asking any prying questions. I think under the right situation she could be the sort to open up and have fun. |
Drusila | What a curious creature, I'm tempted to give them a less then discrete hug simply to find out for sure if this is a very girly boy or very boyish woman. The way they speak about the dream is fascinating and worth exploring if only in the mind and I hope to find opportunity to probe them further and unravel everything they have to hide. |
Dycard | Respectful and formal to a fault. One can't blame her, I suppose, but still. It's a pity that formality and etiquette prevent a more genuine initial impression. |
Emily | A helpful scout and a level headed companion. I would gladly work with her again in any situation. |
Evaristo | Had a very quick meeting once before. Fascinating woman, and dutiful it seems like. |
Faye | A talented translator and helpful in interrogation. I find her a good partner to work with, and I'd be happy to work with her again. |
Fianna | I am truly grateful to have Rukhnis as part of House Crovane. She is gifted with her knowledge of medicine and is someone that I can trust without hesitation. |
Gilroy | Always following around the bard lord like a servant despite the fact that she seems significantly more capable. I think I read a book like this once. |
Gretchen | A woman with medical knowledge who has the follow through to get the job done. Definitey someone to keep in mind. |
Gwenna | Rukhnis Al-Katibi is the physician of House Crovane, as well as their Minister of Medicine. As interesting a woman as her name, she's exceptionally pleasant and interesting to talk to. House Crovane is fortunate to have her among their members and I truly enjoyed our conversations. |
Harlex | She isn't a push over, which is necessary in a physician. Its hard work and honest work, she seems up to the task. |
Ian | Decent scout. |
Ilsa | Her visage and her speech may be foreign, but we have found a kinship of sorts in our shared desire to heal and help those in need. I look forward to working with her. I am glad to have found another friendly face in this city of strangers. |
Ilvin | Reserved and calm, if perhaps a little ill-at-ease. But she says more with a stare than most people with a whole book! I'd like to speak with her longer, in quieter surroundings. |
Joscelin | An unusual woman, subtle, tight, like a wax-sealed bottle with something precious and unrecognizable within. |
Josephine | Compassionate, good head on her shoulders, no nonsense, good hands. No finer in the lowers. |
Juneau | If I ever accidentally lose a toe, I will go to her. And also maybe I should have listened to her about the dog thing. That was a tough week. Honestly maybe I should track her down again... |
Kaldur | Crovane's Minister of Health, a remarkable woman who desperately needs to Get More Sleep. |
Kenjay | After the many great things I have heard of her and the many great people who have spoken her name, I was expecting someone taller. And yet her strength shines through her modesty, a giant of spirit astride the earth. |
Korka | Some kind of Eurusi that's capable in difficult situations. Sociable. People seem to trust her. |
Kritr | She is more than polite. She's interested and interesting. I wonder where Eurus is. Sounds like the opposite of Everwinter in many ways. |
Lenne | My, are they ever formal here in the capital. She was totally unruffled by me nattering at her like a madwoman. She's smart, judging by the book of medicine large enough to be a bludgeon, but she doesn't seem like just any citybound physician. She has ghosts behind her eyes when she speaks about Stormwall. |
Llyr | The doctor for the Crovane household. She seems less sure of herself than she should be. Caring for others and tending to their ills is a high calling. |
Lora | I cannot help but wonder what she has seen, what has set her on the path she follows, with such fire and shadow inside her. I suspect I would not actually like to know. |
Lorenzo | A physician and minister for House Crovane, able to capably play hostess in her liege's absence. She is clearly bright and well-spoken, though I suspect she knows more than she lets on about many things. |
Lou | A Eurusi woman that seems somewhat standoffish at first. I'm certain there's many layers to her, as there were many layers to my husband, Mason, as well. It's not easy to try and fit into a world so different from your own. |
Lucene | Pleasant enough company, though I do not envy her position even if I do admire the work that she does. |
Mabelle | A brilliant physician with interesting fields of expertise. After I complete the hospital I will do well to attend her lectures myself. |
Magnus | She might look a little mysterious at first, but I could feel that we share similar opinions in many aspects, snow being one of them. Hopefully we'll be able to meet again for some deeper conversation. |
Marisol | She may not be from the Compact but she has a way about her that speaks of good choices and decorum. |
Martino | A subservient servant, but does carry fire and spirit in them still. Truly, so very curious about her as I am sure there is much more to learn of them |
Mikani | A deep woman with a wealth of knowledge and thoughts. She is a friend if she would let me call her such. |
Mirk | A traveler from distant lands. Very reserved with her emotions and her stories. More difficult to read even than I am. |
Morgan | Seems quiet and reserved, she didn't seem to get into the party. Maybe needed to drink more. |
Neilda | Incredibly professional, to the point. Great with her hands. If she did shoulder rubs there would be a line out the door. |
Niklas | Another Eurusi expat, it seems. Reserved, but not cold, it seems. |
Niklas | Rysen's ... assistant? I think? At first she was around him ALL THE TIME but now she seems to be out on her own more often. Good for her! I still don't understand what that's all about, but that's okay, there's loads of things I don't understand. Where the hell is Cardia? |
Nycelani | So this is the woman Ras claimed to love. She seems sweet enough. |
Orelia | Either I said something wrong or she's a moody one. Approach with caution next time. |
Orrin | It is not the first time I've wondered why this young woman seems so fretfully sad. |
Oswyn | Courteous and rather formal. Quite observant, and a fellow Physician. |
Ouida | Polite and humble healer, whom I suspect has experience and skills far beyond what she would admit to. Regardless of circumstance, it cannot be easy to depart from everything you know to venture into a completely new land where there will be more hostilities against you great and small because of that. It takes courage, of a kind rarely seen. |
Petal | She seems thoughtful and curious about the world and also there is something likable and deeply thinking about her. |
Pharamond | She is a delight of a healer. Good sense, good humor, and she didn't hurt too much. Fun to talk with while being made whole again. |
Poppy | A quiet woman and a healer of renown. I hope that she will let me learn from her and that she'll learn her place is in the sun, not the shadows. |
Porter | It's not everyday that I witness someone ordering vegetable soup at a tavern. A little reserved, perhaps? But she seemed like a good sort and friendly with someone that I happen to like on the occasions I manaage to see him. Plus you can't go wrong being the Assistant Guildmaster to the Physicians Guild! |
Quintin | Icy cold determination! |
Raja | It's nice to meet a Eurusi that isn't some hoity noble. She is polite, but perhaps too polite for being in the lowers. Though, it is always nice to know a healer. |
Ras | I like her voice and the way she talks. She's weirdly kind, for a person who sits on grave stones. |
Raymesin | This one is a fighter. However meek and mild she might seem, she's got a core of weapon-steel. |
Reese | A woman o subtle intelligence and great loyalty to the house she serves. They are blessed to have her. |
Reigna | I do not know her people, but I feel as though I am getting to know her, if by reputation alone. Brave, stoic, keeps a cool head in times of danger. She is always *there* when needed. She can be relied upon, and really, what higher praise is there? |
Revell | I really want to like her, she seems like she wants to do good - but it's difficult not to get infuriated by her disconcerting insecurities and holier-than-thou attitude. I hope she gets over it, one day, even if I likely won't be there to see it. |
Rhue | A woman of few words, she is polite and formal in her manner of speech and action. An air of mystery pervades her and I've yet to decipher her intentions. |
Rinel | She is everything a physician should be. Direct, unyielding, firm in her prescriptions. But kind, too, to those in need of kindness. |
Rosalind | She looks all stern and things, but shes easy to talk to! She may have been born where the sun is hot, but her heart is with the sea! I adore her! |
Rowenova | Some people may have their brothers from another mother, but I seem to have a 'fellow ducal servant commoner from another Northern house'. Equally loyal to her liege lord, hard worker, impressively attentive to the tiny details that most people unwittingly miss, always nice to Sir Floppers, and so much more.%RAlready love her like the sister that I never had (or maybe I did have one, but I never knew them). Medically adept and the best help, too. |
Rysen | Persistent, stubborn, and intractable - yet endowed with the spark of intelligence and an unbreakable spirit. |
Samira | A woman of few words, but practical and level-headed even in the midst of chaos. Just the kind of person you'd want with you in times of trouble. I don't know what we would have done without her assistance and healing knowledge. |
Sirius | Curious methodologies and a strict approach can calm even the most tormented soul. She's an instrumental bearer of this message - a woman armed not with words or swords but tonics and remedies. Even more frightening still, and only the Gods know what hides beneath those letterboxes into the void. |
Skaldia | She knows how to heal and can even identify carrots! A woman of many skills, clearly. |
Sorrel | She may have a gift, even though it is damaged. I hope I can encourage her to try, to push against her boundaries and to sing to the heavens. |
Sunaia | A gentle, skilled physician who - I'm sure - helped save my life. I'll have to advise Lady Rey to speak to her. |
Sunniva | I may have made a fool of myself on our first meeting, but she has proven to be a gracious and forgiving woman. Her leadership of the guild is something to be respected, as is Rukhnis herself. |
Sydney | Somber, cool, and more on the defensive than most I've met, despite all efforts to lighten the mood. The sort that disarms me. She tends to the wounded, it seems, but I wonder what wounded her. |
Tanith | Soft, like a sculpture in hard sand, smooth edges that are deceptively hard. Warm too, I see that, and devoted. |
Tarik | I do not go to the Redrain district a lot, but when I do it always good to see a new face. Well, new to me anyways. Rukhnis happens to been in the city for two years now. She seem eager to learn about foreign lands and languages. She spoke a foreign language that I think I heard somewhere before, but I am not sure. She glared at me when I mention the person who brought her here for some reason. I met her at the Spirit bar in the Redrain district. |
Venturo | A carefully guarded woman from a foreign land. One must wonder if the reluctance is from past problems, and given some of the personalities in Arx? That prudence is surely warranted. I've no doubt she'll find her stride. |
Vitalis | Very little gets past this one. She could stand watch for me any time. |
Volcica | She.. reminds me of a dark night, when the fire's at your back and the shadows flicker and dance. |
Wagner | Tamer of Ras, Giver of Glares. She's decent. |
Willow | As cheerful as a mourning dress. |
Zoey | A capable healer; she doesn't insert herself into her patients' conversations, and that makes me think she may well be a trustworthy listener. |