Lord Giuliano Pravus
I don't know your first mistake in life, friend. However, you've discovered crossing Pravus will be your last.

Description: Definitely on the tall side and muscular, Giuliano is built with a dancer's physique- not so much a soldier's. He learned to favor agility and quick movement in combat, sculpting his body in such a manner. Eyes the color of winter's deep ice are set in his olive toned face, angular like a bird of prey's with neatly groomed hair, moustache and beard the color of a raven's wing.
Personality: Meticulous, even fussy in his appearance, Giuliano is a man who enjoys all that life has to offer him. A jovial hedonist committed to a good time - a conviction second only to his devotion to House Pravus - it has been said the easy smile he so often wears rarely drops, even in grim situations or while doling out casual violence. Why shouldn't he be happy? Raised in the best city of the Compact, in the best family, and the intrigues just mean more things to keep Lord Giuliano occupied.
Background: Half-brother of Arianna from their shared mother Vayla's earlier marriage to a sickly Grayson prince, Bryn, Giuliano's birth was an inauspicious occasion as his father died of a wasting illness shortly after, one that consumed him quickly. Vayla's next marriage produced his half-sister, to whom he became very close. Unfortunately, that bond was often interrupted due to his rarely ever leaving Setarco. Trained from an early age to be a skilled swordsman, he excelled at a style of fighting with the rapier in one hand and a dagger in the off hand. When Niccolo stepped aside to make Piero Duke, Giuliano was initially optimistic - until he saw the inherent weakness in the man. Dismayed as snakelike vassals schemed to bring the House down, he was one of Belladonna's earliest supporters - and more than one traitor died upon his blade. There were no tears shed by the young Lord upon Piero's death and Belladonna's ascension, and he vowed to help safeguard her rule by any means necessary.
Time passes, and Giuliano remained one of the Duchess' means of control in Setarco, although now he finds himself called to Arx by family for new duties in service of Pravus.
Name | Summary |
Ajax | A Pravus lording, a lot of them are strange. But we'll see how he is. |
Arcadia | A very formal man. I actually wonder if he knows how to laugh. |
Belladonna | The essence of Pravus, the life of any party! Giuliano is so Setarcan he might be able to outpace me. That is worth a lot of respect. |
Brigida | At least he can apologies for whispering like a rude little child. I'm watching him now with both eyes to make sure he doesn't step out of line. |
Cahal | Obviously well-educated, charming even, he's also very dismissive of Oathlanders. I wonder why. |
Celeste | There are many things I missed from home when I came to Arx. The warmth was chief among them. But conversations with Giuliano made the list. His dedication to this family mirrors my own and for that he shall have my affection. I'm pleased to see him finally summoned to Arx to join us. |
Domonico | Commander of the Swords of the Evening. I'm certain there is ruthlessness beneath his courteous exterior. |
Grazia | Quite confident and beautiful, this young Pravus lord. I am quite impressed with his willingness to fight for what he believes in, and I think I will have to cultivate a relationship with him. |
Mabelle | A handsome man who knows to twist his words well. Of course, he lives among those of Velenosa. Lets see how well his research skills are. I long to me genuinely impressed. |
Maja | A reserved lord of Pravus. He seems to be the sort of noble who strictly observes the social order of things -- I appreciate this. Our society functions best when everyone respects the responsibilities and expectations of their role in the world. |
Martino | An easy going conversationalist from House Pravus. It would seem fashionable as well, or in need of new attire. Such attention are traits I seek in someone I hope to call a friend. |
Miranda | Hard not to like this fellow. Sexy? Sure. But he's in command of Pravus' Swords of the Evening. Interesting that. And he's got a bit of a playful manner to him, apparently having got a head's up on me already. Never good to have another House know more about you than you know of them. I'll have to be sure to remedy this! |
Mirk | A thoroughly Lycene lord. Connected by kin to a close friend. |
Raimon | A killer. I can appreciate the use of one of his like. |
Reese | A warrior of the Sunset Swords. Confident, calm and well spoken. He is likely very loyal to his Duchess and family. |
Rowenova | This Lycene lord from House Pravus is a loyal son of his noble family who he clearly loves. He would probably not only do (and has already tried to do) almost anything for them. He loves his life, is a joy to have met, knows what gratitude is, fun to talk to, and respectfully regards other people. |
Sudara | Though not so irrepressible as Arianna, at times it is very clear that he is her elder half-sibling. It is a pleasure to have him added to my roster of cousins in Arx. |
Tescelina | The Pravosi swordsman is a dark sun, warm and shadowed. When we dance, I think, I shall know him even more. |
Willow | The best kind of Lycene. Tanned, sexy, and menacing as hell. |
Zara | A perfectly pleasant Pravus; a swordsman capable of wit. Not contradictions at all! He has a good sense of humor and seems serious about his duties to his family. Both undervalued virtues. |