Princess Sylvi Thrax
While I was confined to my bed, books were my gateway to the rest of the world. I've been everywhere already, and I can't wait to go back.

Description: Slight of build, Slyvi has a very pale complexion, and has a rather frail appearance, as if she might be knocked over by a strong gust of wind. She sometimes sounds as though she's having trouble breathing, but in spite of it all often wears a rather wry smile, like there's a joke that only she understands. Her dark hair falls in waves over her shoulders, and deep chestnut eyes are expressive as often as they are piercing, maintaining her confidence even as her strength often fails her. Despite her poor health, she manages to maintain that Thraxian beauty, even as she often hides it behind her sardonic expressions.
Personality: All at once aloof and outspoken, she'll always say what's on her mind, and seems to lack any kind of internal filter. She's often distracted with what she's currently studying, and at times getting her attention can be a real challenge, she can be borderline obsessive once she's found something she's truly interested in. Her mouth has gotten her into trouble more than once, but she manages to carry herself with just enough dignity that most will overlook her eccentricities.
Background: Slyvi has always been a sickly child, ever since the day she was born. It was considered a small miracle that she had managed to survive her first few years at all. She frequently fell ill, and was confined to a bed as often as not. Because she was so rarely able to move, she found herself escaping into books in the family library. In her time, she grew fascinated with the secrets of the world around her. The unexplained mysteries of the time of the Reckoning capturing her interest in particular.
Unfortunately, she didn't socialize much at a young age, relying on visitors at her bedside for company, of which there were very few outside of her family, but she always loved to receive visitors, anybody to tell her stories about the things that were happening outside of the walls that she was too weak to see for herself.
As years went by, she managed to gain more strength, she began to explore the library on her own, finding new and exciting books. She spent most of her teenage years in the library, searching through every corner for anything of note. Finally able to move freely through her home, she began meeting everybody, and learning what would be expected of her as a Thrax Princess, but she always tried to find ways out of rather awkward situations. She knew her place was among the Scholars of Vellichor, and that was where she found herself as often as she was able.
She distracted herself with studies while her life was torn apart by conflict and death, just trying her best to keep busy and out of the way. She very nearly missed hearing about her brother's return to Arx, and decided it was time to go back out to find him. After convincing her family that she was healthy enough to travel, she made her preparations.Relocating to Arx would be perfect for a family reunion. And of course the archives of Arx are unmatched anywhere else in the world. Certainly there will be plenty for her to discover in time.
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