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Action Id: 1789 Crisis: Participants: Norwood
Status: Resolved Submitted: Feb. 24, 2018, 2:09 p.m. Public: True GM: Pax

Action by Norwood

It’s an uncomfortable partnership for Norwood, the Sword of Artshall, especially since it happens to have a spirit residing in it. They don’t talk much, but it’s still enough to shake Norwood when it happens. Rarely does he actually ask the sword questions himself, and it’s a toss up on if the spirit will actually answer. With the growing unrest though, Norwood has decided it’s time to have a heart to heart with the sword and figure out what it MIGHT know from time past. After some careful crafting he asks, “What do you know about our current evil influences?” (He tries very hard to avoid even mentioning the word demon.) “Are there any authors in your experience who researched these kind of troubles we should be looking at specifically?”


It takes some time to coax the sword into speaking; unsurprising, really, given how often it only speaks at the most inopportune moments. But eventually Norwood's persistence wins out.

The spirit haunting the sword seems somewhat bemused at the question. "I can tell you some about evils, oh yes. Tales of the horrible monsters they fought during the Elven Wars, the druids who helped tear those monsters apart, the knights who rode through the sky on griffonback -- but those aren't what you face, not right now. And as for this pirate king, your current evil? He was hundreds of years before my time, when last he sailed."

"As for the rest? I was a steward, Norwood; I was no Scholar, or follower of the occult. If you want books on proper protocol or heraldry, I can recommend a few -- and you /could/ use a book or two on proper protocol, at that! -- but you'd do better to ask Scholars than to ask me, if you're looking for information on more /esoteric/ matters."

After that, the sword remains stubbornly silent.