Marquis Cirroch Sanna
Truth is a pretty good weapon. Axes are better, but truth is pretty good.

Obituary: A blaze of sunshine is what Sanna will be missing today and for many years to come. He is survived by his wife, Marquessa Sasha Sanna, one who taught him how to recenter his focus and remember to find amusement where he is if not able to create it on its own, such as one does in cake wars around the manor. Six lovely children, Atoli, Entreri, Jacqueline, Rikkon, and the twins Analisa and Roldolf. Cake wars in the manor won't be the same, though a particular stain from pudding will forever be known as the piece that Cirroch was never quite able to determine how it got there.
Those that spent any time around our gentle giant, would know that he was always seeking to better himself. Taking time to learn more about the surrounding lands with his teacher Lady Kiera, one who he would speak fondly of also towards how she would interact with the children when Sasha was away in the March. A true friend to the very end, even helping him with furthering trade agreements.
It is said that even in his final moments, he stood by our very motto: Mountains Never Yield.
Description: Big and broad, with sturdy strength to the bulk of his arms and shoulders, Cirroch cuts a larger than life figure to go with his larger than life personality. He has heavy black eyebrows over deepset eyes that seem to frequently carry the brightness of a laugh in their deep brown depths. His hair is kept very short, clipped close to his head in a no-nonsense way. His voice booms, resonant and liquid in its depth.
Personality: Cirroch has a bullish nature, grounded but vital. He has a talent for filling a room merely by entering it, with deep, resonant volume and ready eloquence to the command of his tongue. He can be stubborn, he can be proud, and he can have a temper on him. Nothing infuriates him more than being deceived, unless it is being denied action where he thinks action ought to be took. He has a pragmatist's steadiness behind his grand gestures, though, that helps keep his life running smoothly. There are ways that simplicity defines Cirroch's greatest desires. He loves women who can fight him, whiskey that burns on the way down, fast horses and smart dogs.
Background: Cirroch was always going to be the March of Giant's Reach. Actually, he was the March of Giant's Reach by the time he was ten. It's a risky proposition, being a ten-year-old with a regent, but there were a few things going for Cirroch: first, his regent was his uncle Talward, whom no one wanted to cross and who loved his deceased sister more than life itself, and second, he was a pretty clever and aspiring ten-year-old, and put off the fears of his vassals by being aggressively interested in warcraft from when he could first walk. He developed an interest in statecraft as well, although it was admittedly much /later/ in life that he wanted to attend his own meetings and councils. By the time he was 16, there were few who feared his ascendance to the seat he held in name, and when he reached majority at 18, his uncle retired to be feted for a job well done, and Cirroch took the reins fearlessly.
It's amazing how long you can stall from a topic that you don't want to address. He very nearly had a treaty negotiated with the Nightgolds for a wife of his rank only to have it fall through on some stipulations about mining rights that he refused to let go. He very nearly had a treaty negotiated, later, that would have had him wed to the sister of a Velenosan count, only to have her cry off for a number of reasons, some related to, frankly, the cold weather of the north and the total absence of seawater anywhere around Giant's Reach. That is until a faithful day that he wasn't thinking of a need to keep a shield up. He was training with his axe when Princess Sasha boldy approached him, anyone in their vincity might have thought that they did indeed watch mountains move that day. Sasha would become the love of his life. The day he meet his first born, heir to what Sanna had to offer, was the day that he understood that life was more than how long one can stall a topic.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aelgar | A good man, a good husband. Probably a good lord as well. Easygoing, but obviously used to gettign things done and obviously carring that his family is happy. Good traits that I admite. |
Amari | What a giant! Confident and cute! Very floofy... oh, not Bear. Marquis Cirroch? Well, he's much less furry but no less confident, vigorous and brawny. Seems a good and sturdy sort, really, what you'd expect of a Northerner. |
Brannen | A formidable Marquis. He knows his lands, his trade goods, and what his men secretly call him behind his back. And still he claims to be willing to fight himself if it meant reducing risk to their lives. A remarkable man from a remarkable march. |
Cahal | The marquis of giants reach certainly knows the power of first impressions. |
Calypso | Big, drunk, muddy, shirtless, and victorious. What more could a girl want? |
Cambria | Big man, bigger personality. I look forward to augmenting an already comptetant leader. |
Cristoph | Marquis Cirroch Sanna is a man that invited me into his home to witness people hit with cake and plushies, I think. I believe that's what the invitation was for. I initially declined as I didn't wish to be hit with any cake, but on a lark, I turned up anyway. I'm glad that I went, they're a fine group of people. Warm, clearly devoted to their family and friends. And the Marquis himself is an exceptional host. Hopefully he'll allow me to return the favor sometime in the future. |
Deoiridh | A curiosity of a man, easier to speak with than most of the cityfolk. There is an air of understanding to him, something tangible and graspable shimmering below the surface - perhaps time will tell what that may be. |
Evaristo | Big man with a keen mind, it seems. Probably the sort of type you'd want leading your army. |
Everett | Met the Lord Sanna at the Artshall reception, were he done up and invested a ham waffle cone. That's why them as Nobles are so, I reckon. Thinking of things no other man might! I'll have to see if Lord Cirroch can come up with any other new food plans! |
Ezra | I think he's trying to kill me. I'd drink with him again for sure. |
Fredrik | A formidable fighter from all I've seen. Fashionable too. |
Georgine | That is a very large man. |
Gwenna | Marquis Cirroch Sanna is one of those wonderful people who can cut as well with his words as he can with his blade, which I mean in the absolute best of ways. I am so grateful, as must be his people, that such a true man is at the helm of House Sanna and Giant's Reach. His love for family and fealty is nearly without peer, making him a truly admirable person. |
Haakon | Seems a good sort, for a mainlander. Carries a fine axe. He's one I'd sooner face a fight beside, rather than across from. |
Hadrian | The Marquis of House Sanna. His domain is in capable, confident hands. |
Ilira | Looks finer in mud than most. |
Isabeau | So few times in my life I've been surprised by a statement in the discussion of artwork. But flipping it upside down is surprising and clever. |
Jace | He might be a bit of a kindred spirit! Loud and up for adventure. |
Jamie | A big man with many interesting stories of the Northlands - so different from the Green. And yet, his people sound much like our own. Any who would struggle and endure to better themselves is likely a fine friend to have. |
Kaia | Ah meeting the Marquis was a joy! To get an invitation to his celebration in honor of his sister Lady Tila was an honor. He is a most gracious host! A boon to the north! |
Lenard | A giant of a man, hard to read. Seems to have misunderstood who I was talking about. |
Liara | The Marquis just about epitomises what springs to mind when one seeks to envisage a northern noble: boisterous, vigorous, stalwart. An inarguably brave man, too. |
Lyra | Goodness but he has a deep and booming voice. You'd be hard-pressed to miss him in any size crowd, though seems easy enough to talk with. |
Mabelle | One must appreciate a man who does not shy from showing affection to his wife. Amusing and light hearted as well. |
Martino | Fashionable /and/ uses a sword? Well I do like this Marquis. Clearly a Northerner through-and-through with fine manners. Devoted to wife and children. Testament to good leadership. |
Medeia | Big man, big voice, big personality, big axe. The northerners make everything big, I guess. |
Mikani | I alway approve of a man who shows his love in the showering of gifts. |
Nazmir | A great host, as always. Needs a pair of raised boots so that he can see over the crowd, though, what with as short as he is. |
Niklas | In a word: prickly. |
Noah | First, he threatened to blast me into a different ward. Now it's like a friendly challenge. Is this how one makes friends? |
Orland | Allowing guests to ruin other guests clothing... the audacity! I'm _sure_ I can take him seriously after this. |
Poppy | A normal northern male. He likes whiskey and women. |
Raimon | A large man, with a large smile, and a large heart. First I've heard to express the plight of the Chain - now - Broken |
Rhue | Large, and loud, but friendly! And I think my type of humor goes over- well, goes...around him. |
Romulius | The Marquis Sanna is polite and courteous - and, apparently, an ept drinker. |
Rook | A northern Marquis who wishes to sponsor a play by the Blackrose Theater. I am deeply interested in what this union could create and for sure something I will keep my eyes on. Perhaps it comes out as a masterpiece. |
Rosalind | Marquis Cirroch has become a family friend! He's definitely around when the family needs him and around when we need advice. He's awfully helpful. |
Ryhalt | Looking to expand trade to and from his land, always something which I approve! |
Sasha | My beloved, my bear, husband of my children, my protector. A strong man who I adore to the ends of this world and back infinitely. |
Savio | A down to earth (down to mud?) Marquis with a big personality and an amusing sense of sporting events. Pleased to be the guest of such an entertaining host. |
Scythia | A lively Marquis and quite interesting to hold conversations with. |
Sunniva | A man of great appetites, and even greater loyalty to family. He seems like one who should be admired. |
Thesbe | He seems extremely friendly and personable when I met him at The Clearlake Archery Tourney. He is also a very good sport and his smile is infectious, an all around great person to be around. |
Varan | A cousin through marriage and an amiable Marquis from the Northland that I find to be great company whenever we cross paths. |
Zoey | He seems a playful, possibly adventurous sort. He keeps good company, and that speaks well of both his reputation and his judgement. |
Zyxthylum | The Northern Lords are so interesting. I want to know how they balance living here with their old ways. |