Marquis Dio Seraceni
If you can take it, it's yours.

Description: He is slightly over average height, with a physique composed of lean muscle. His hair is a lustrous black, and his eyes a dark but vibrant shade of brown. A scar marks the lower right side of his cheek and jaw, creating a memorable fishhook pattern causing a subtle break in his beard. Like the sea, his expressions are sometimes fierce and full of wrath, and other times serene. Something in his eyes always seems to suggest a depth and vastness like that of the waters over which he's prone to sail.
Personality: On the seas, Dio is fierce and stern - a man who understands necessity and uses the force of his personality to enthrall his crew with a sense of purpose and destiny. At other times, he can be personable and warm, a master storyteller, who can draw his listeners into foreign lands or times not their own, to taste victory on their lips, or feel the weight of silver coins passing through their fingers. The nature of his speech is also as mutable as the sea. He can be formal, even eloquent in the courts of Velenosa or Arx, or spit the most vile and base curses with the lowliest of cutthroats. To those inclined to pay close attention, it is clear that whatever lies underneath these cultivated personas has been locked in a well wrought chest, and buried deep.
Background: Little is known about the true origins of Dio, who claims, or at least fails to deny, that his father was Count Paolo Seraceni. His name is first associated with an enrollment in the School of Steel and Silk in Setarco, where he studied under Captain Guelio Busemi in the arts of naval warfare. According to official school documents, he killed another student in a tavern brawl, and was expelled from school. He was given the choice to serve in the Setarco navy or to rot in prison.
After surviving the devastating battle against the forces of the Gyre, Dio was under consideration to become an officer of the Pravus navy, but was captured by a group of Lycene pirates off the coat of Ostria. After apparently managing to murder the captain and dive overboard, he survived four months on a small island near Esterhold, before being rescued by Seraceni sailors and brought to Morisco, where Prisila greeted him as a brother, and granted him command of a ship to sail under the Seraceni banner.
After meeting a woman formerly of House Blanchard while on shore in Ischia, it is said that Dio offered a mountain of silver to Count Philippe, with the promise of much more to come for the hand of Lady Imogen. The offer was accepted, and it was only shortly after that news of Prisila's passing reached Ischia, setting into motion a series of events that culminated in the newly married couple being named Marquis and Marquessa.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Adrienne | Marquis Dio Seraceni is one of my new vassals. We danced under starlight at a gala of his hosting, one to benefit the Liberators of Skald. By my count, he is a pirate, a captain, a naval strategist, a peer of the realm, a diplomat, and holds a sincere appreciation of the arts. I rather struggle to understand how this is all possessed in one man. |
Aelgar | A seafaring lord who isdown to earth and intelligent. Whats not to like? |
Alarissa | Fine taste in clothing and such manners. A pirate you say? Interesting. |
Andromeda | Count Dio Seraceni. A man with a skilled blade, who handles his threats as skillfully as his sword. He makes for a good ruler. And of course, her rules an island. |
Apollo | Terribly thoughtful for a pirate, isn't he. |
Aswin | He does not seem like your typical Silk, the Marquis of Seraceni. He sails and takes risks and seems keen on adventure rather than resting in a manor letting his subjects do all of his dirty work. That says something for the man. |
Avita | My dear cousin! How could you have left me back there for so long?! Ugh. You have much to atone for. I suppose I could forgive you, just this once. |
Azova | A thoughtful Marquis; one has experienced the Saffron Chain, even. I will pray the Gods guide him well. |
Brigida | Sina may trust him but I do not. One to watch. |
Calla | A Marquis that I met in the Black Fox, who showed an interest in visiting the Caldera and Sangris, I'd gladly show him around my city any day. |
Calypso | I won't have anyone talking about a bunch of sailors jerking off to pictures of my younger cousin. I don't care who he is. She deserves more respect than that. |
Cecilia | He is a Pirate and I am a Pirate Killer. Yet I find him an amazing conversationalist and a great drinking partner. |
Cerys | Ruthless Pirate or Dashing Marquis? What does one do when the two may find their way into the same person? Why, you offer them the best damn scotch this side of the ocean, that's what! Seraceni seems a House to watch, not the least of which is due to its Head. |
Charlotte | A shark. A lycene shark that will eat me whole if I let him. |
Damiana | I hear the word pirate when describing the marquis, but instead I see a crafty and honorable wolf of the seas who looks after his pack. Never come between the wolf and his pack. |
Dianna | A lion and a sailor? What a curious combination. |
Dimitri | The Marquis Seraceni is obviously not a man to be trifled with. Quick of wit, even if he claims his sister to wield those particular gifts, he makes for a great drinking companion. |
Elgana | Marquis Dio is a very intriguing man--especially with talk of a knife-dance!--and I look forward to getting to know him better. I've heard whispers he's a pirate, and if it is true, he's a rather charming and friendly one. |
Evaristo | The Ceraceni pirate that pirates like a legendary pirate pirates. If anyone pirated more piratey, they are surely a dead pirate now. |
Gerald | Charming and urbane. Something screams -- don't trust him as far as you can throw him. But, probably a good potential business partner. |
Giada | I remember that name. |
Giorgio | The Marquis of Ischia. He seems to be a man of vision and purpose. I can appreciate that. |
Haakon | I trust my liege we enough, but I'll never trust her as much as this one trusts his. Not a bad sort, for a Pravus, even if he does laugh to excess. |
Ilira | Pretty eyes, pirate smile--and the kind of soul to make me open mine. |
Jadara | Everything this one could hope for in someone we wish to have by our side for the foreseeable future. He is unfailingly loyal and direct. Two qualities I adore /greatly/. |
Kastelon | A generous fellow who shares his fish and fire. Perhaps he enjoys the taste of his tongue burning, but he was kind towards Resolute. |
Liara | For all his reputation, Marquis Seraceni is ever courteous in my presence, and a most welcome presence at any social function, where he is happy to engage with anyone, familiar or not. |
Mabelle | A Marquis that appreciates art and rum. Winning combination. |
Martino | Rakish man and that is something that I do appreciate. An air of knowing just what it is they dearly do, who they are and their role in our dear Compact. |
Medeia | Few embrace the truth of who they are, instead masking themselves as more refined than they are. This man makes no apologies and commands a room. |
Mikani | Barely met, only know he really is focused when it comes to treasure. |
Mirella | House Seraceni truly does have excellent words, and its Marquis does not fail to embody their spirit. He is ambitious and dynamic, quick to seek out and seize an opportunity, and yet able to adapt his approach to better achieve his goals. These are among the traits I appreciate and respect most in others. |
Monique | My new patron, with ambitions to match my own. I have to wonder if all pirates are so alluring, or if it's just this one, whose bearing is mercurial, whatever it needs to be in the moment, and whose intelligence (he chose /me/, after all) is clearly unparalleled. |
Moros | Seems like someone I'd be willing to go to sea with. More importantly, seems like someone capable of making it back. |
Narcissa | An assuming, presumptive man who fits the caricature of a pirate. His men appear loyal though, and that bespeaks some qualities worth following. |
Neve | He is in a difficult position. He is a resolute man whom sticks to the loyalty of his house, but he's also intelligent, certainly enough to know that there are things outside of his control. He has many problems and unfortunately Ciro is one, though it's not a bad problem - a good problem with a good man to keep close. I've seen that he's seen darkness..that kind that is hinted at, but you don't want to talk about because it hurts you. I've seen that, and I've experienced that. There's softness and strength. As much as I wish he would give in with Ciro, I have also said my piece and completely respect his strength of will. Unlike me he is unafraid to state his self and his opinion. If he is set resolute he will not bend. For convention or against. The most beautiful nude woman waiting for him could not sway him from decision once made. The prettiest words, the finest of spirits. He is a force to be reckoned with, and I feel just a little bit sorry for those that would stand against him in his path. |
Niklas | Genial, friendly, and ready with a smile. They say Ischia breeds cutthroats and pirates. It's always a good idea to befriend a pirate who knows how to hide it behind a smile, because you really wouldn't want one as your enemy. |
Nina | Not what I'd say a genteel one, but he certainly has a commanding word! Quite grateful that he knows how to break up a fight. |
Nurie | frightening as my sister. For a moment! I think that I'll hear more tales of his adventures with the Explorer's Guild sometime in the future. |
Orelia | A pirate with the charm of a Lycene lord. That's a dangerous combination. |
Orick | Aye, that's one of the pirate Lords I met on my first night in Arx... I hear he's a charming fellow - to some. |
Orland | There are men who become legends, some for good, some for ill. It doesn't matter his renown or why it was created, because he is a legend in my world for being the first to openly accept me, as a protege. |
Orrin | What. Are. Your. Priorities. |
Pasquale | A rather notorious Marquis of a rather notorious house. He always seems to be surrounded by some of his crew and they clearly respect him, which labels him a good leader. Given their boisterous nature I bet their presence is at least partly meant to make sure it is them, and not him, that most people actually remember. |
Peri | Dancing to the edge of avarice. |
Piccola | They call him a pirate king; I think of him as a practical trader. I'll bet he has better stories than I to tell. |
Poppy | His associate pulled two knives when he spilt wine all over himself. I don't think he's a very good or noble man. |
Raja | A man of mystery. A Marquis of the Seraceni. I find him rather intriguing. |
Ras | Used to think silks were ridiculous. Maybe that's why he didn't get tricked by Allicot Percival Thoroughgood. Dunno him, but he loves his wife. The kinda person who's down for change, at least some sorts of change. |
Rosalind | He likes adventures! I like adventures! Though...I uh, I'm pretty sure he offred a bloody tooth. Is that normal? That didn't seem normal... |
Rowenova | My favorite pirate of all time! Would sail again! |
Rukhnis | He is both more sentimental than I would have guessed and more considerate regarding the fate of those he freed from slavery upon the islands. In short, he is not entirely what I would expect from a man with the reputation of a ruthless pirate. |
Sabella | I knew that the Countess' party would be delightful, but I was quite happy to meet the Marquis and his wife! An art-lover and possible Bard's College patron who sings sea shanties? I know that we are going to be the best of friends just from that eclectic description! |
Samantha | What a charming corsair. He's got the roguish good looks too, hard to find any complaints when a man looks that good. He's got this honesty about him that cuts through any of the other qualities of his person, even though it seems reserved for those he respects and only then. |
Savio | He is many things, but it shouldn't be forgotten that he is first and foremost, most importantly, fantastic musical inspiration. |
Scylla | Marquis Dio is a ready listener who seems willing to place the experiences and thoughts of others above his own. Truth be told, I'm almost ashamed at how much he managed to elicit from me before I could return the favor. Such is the mark of an engaging conversationalist, and one I hope to meet with some regularity in future. |
Sebastian | Some call him criminal, but for me, actions speak louder than words. The Marquis' efforts have demonstrated a loyalty and strength of character that is undeniable. His people will proper under his leadership. |
Tatyana | A man of obvious ambition and talent, but one who knows the importance of building on solid foundations. I respect him and hope he could say the same of me. |
Thalamina | A man of many surprises, one in which I believe I misjudged from a small snippet of information. Neither of us should be too proud to admit wrong doing, which might be an even bigger surprise to both of us. |
Thea | A sailor who seems to...have fine tastes. |
Thomas | A pirate he may be, but the man does the work of the gods. I am glad he called on my blade, and would proudly fight beside him again...I hope this is the start of a beautiful friendship. |
Valdemar | He seems to be a shrewd businessman, whatever else he might be as well. |
Vanora | Marquis Seracini is clearly devoted to his House, to Pravus, and to the Compact. An admirable man and one I'm pleased to know. |
Veronica | As good at shouting as he is at dancing, which is not something to sniff at! |
Xia | It is hard not to respect a man that wants to keep his troops safe and secure. Marquis Dio is such a man from what I have seen. |
Zakhar | cunning. more there than a pretty face. |
Zoey | You seem charming and kind enough, but the company you keep makes me wary. I'll be interested in what the family says about you. |