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Action Id: 1538 Crisis: Participants: Merek
Status: Resolved Submitted: Dec. 23, 2017, 1:02 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 75
Military Resources: 10
Social Resources: 10
Action Points: 20

Action by Merek

Merek has taken his time to put forth what he can in funds towards those recently fallen within the battles that happened both within the city and without during the skirmishes with those that came looking for others. He feels as an Officer it is his duty to make sure that the families have been paid, to alleviate some of their grief and also the issues that come with some households no longer being paid for. This also includes an amount sent to Ashford and Deepwood as well, and some to the sailors that were out on task.


Merek Black, in support of the families of the Iron Guard, the sailors, the Ashford Family and the Deepwood family has offered a quiet donation of support to their families. He works to build solidarity and reaches out to those who have lost friends and family in the tragedies that seem to be piling up. His actions and aid are greatly appreciated by those who have already lost so much.