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Action Id: 1718 Crisis: Participants: Merek
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 21, 2018, 3 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 10
Action Points: 5

Action by Merek

Merek will be taking his free time to work with some alchemy. His hope is to make something that might be useful for combat. Mostly searching ways to make smoke, or to even create things that might assist on the battlefield. This is not necessarily an 'invent new things' kind of thing, but he's seen an Inquisitor that makes use of alchemy in such a way, so he's looking for a couple of interesting mixtures he can put together for utility.


Merek starts to work with potions and mixtures. He's really flying blind here - he knows it's possible, having seen someone use interesting effects. But without some starting point it's incredibly difficult to know where to begin or what to start combining to make, say - bottled smoke. He has been present for some of the sparklegas experiments though, so he begins employing these strategies to try to figure out what to do next.

Unfortunately, sparklegas and bottled smoke are completely different things, so right from the start his mixture is - weird. Weird, and wrong, and - and setting his workroom on fire! Definitely not a very successful attempt, and as he goes back to the drawing board - it's still good after all, just a bit singed - he starts thinking maybe some conversations with other alchemists, or some research into a good starting point and a little more focus on what specifically he wants to create might be a really good idea.

Also, that will let the room air out - it still smells like burning.