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Action Id: 822 Crisis: Participants: Merek
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 8, 2017, 12:39 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Merek

Merek will be putting 50 Economic Resources towards recovery for the wartorn and rebuilding efforts of the wall in Thrax. In addition to this, his division of the IG will be sent to aid in the efforts of reinforcing protection of the wall and helping with the efforts there. (In Thrax's Ward, since they, you know, lost a wall.) 20 Military Resources will reflect some of this assistance. He will also be putting 20 social resources to the efforts, which will reflect him using his Merchant standing to see assistance over there as well. Generally speaking a lot of aid to the WALL and the situation in Thrax, seeing that it was hit the hardest, as an IG he'd see it as his duty to make sure this is handled, and a civic duty, since they were hit the hardest and suffered the most 'civilian' losses.


Vox updated.