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New Knights of Solace?

Posted by Puffin on 11/27/18
Corban, Aureth, Amanda, Simone, and Sorrel ride out toward the Oathlands. When they return, it is with a group of two hundred at their backs. At first the guards at the gate are suspicious, but it seems they are newly-sworn Knights of the Compact, and they intend nothing so much as to travel to the Shrine of Gild and take service as Disciples and Godsworn Knights of Solace. They are allowed in on Sir Corban's word, though watched carefully - so many that join so quickly seem rather suspect. But the faith the people of the Compact have in Gild, in the Pantheon, is such that they adopt a wait-and-see attitude - and their waiting-and-seeing is directly aimed at Grandmaster Thena. Will she accept so many at once? Will she turn them away? Are they worthy? Are they raiders in disguise? It's a tense situation, but it hasn't quite blown up into anything terrible yet.
