Reputation changes
Posted by Apostate on 06/04/17
The village of Coldreach has been established. The project was a major one funded primarily by House Darkwater and a cause celebre among the nobility in general, as a new village in the Darkwater Watch demesne designed to house former thralls freed by Count Maximilian Darkwater as a means to demonstrate the potential for a post-thralldom isles, and how to integrate thralls back into Thraxian society if they were all freed. For a relative modest population of former thralls, it is spectacularly well funded (and evidence strongly suggests Maximilian Darkwater nearly bankrupted the Black Mountain Trading Company to do so), which makes it something of a very skewed project. There's no violence, and minimal complaints due to raw money addressing their needs, but detractors easily point to how unlikely that is to work on a larger scale. The Coldreach village project is helped by numerous commoners and nobles alike. Sameera, Merek, Ariel, Seva, Joscelin, Harald, Ford, Carita, Max, Lucius, Driskell, Lark, Katarina, Remi, Khanne, Juliet, Edain, Darren, Malesh, Titania, and Donella all lended monetary support or expertise. Reaction is mixed- most of the Compact loves the idea, while the most conservative elements of Isles society think in general, even a relatively benign project is disrupting the social order.