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Reputation changes

Posted by Puffin on 09/04/17
To celebrate the marriage of Prince Darren Redrain and Princess Donella Thrax, they announced the creation of a communal medicinal garden and greenhouse to be built on Redrain lands. The first few seedlings took a very long time to peek through the ground, and even then they were shriveled and sad. But just as the rumors were starting to spread that maybe the marriage was ill-omened, Lady Khanne, Maeve, and Valery stepped in and, under their direction the seedlings took firm root and started to grow, turning into green healthy plants that promised a hope of jobs and good health for Redrain. So changed the rumors then - perhaps this marriage, with its long courtship and quiet wedding, took a few tentative first steps, but it will flourish and bloom. And so the wedding of Darren and Donella is celebrated with many lifted mugs and joyous songs, with the hope of spring just around the corner.