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Sea Change

Posted by Puffin on 12/06/17
The upheaval in Stormward has been answered resoundingly by both millions of silver and direct aid from the Compact, and the ruthless stomping of pirate activity by Thrax under High Lord Victus and Warlord Harald Grimhall. But not all issues are solved by money or war, so now Marquessa Vanora reaches out to her new people.

She sends letters to prominent families among the vassal nobles, inviting them to come visit the Marquis and the Marquessa in Arx. Eligible men among the gentry? She sends them pictures of Lady Titania, floating the idea of a marriage alliance with her house. Gifts of trinkets and pretty things, gifts for small children - boats for boys, beads for girls, a subtle and diplomatic nod to traditional ideals even as they set upend centuries of tradition.

She even reaches out to talk to the Sentinels of Orazio, as they're calling themselves now, and builds on her own faith and relationship with the Pantheon as a fellow Disciple of the Gods, expressing concern about the piety of the people. Rumors begin to fly among them, and these zealots, who live on the isles and still have uncertain aims, smile when her name is mentioned, nodding sagely and telling each other happily that they are blessed with a Marquessa that 'gets it.'

Stormward stabilizes, and though this sea change has not been an easy transition, and though even some of the progressives think maybe it should have been done a little more slowly, this new order is starting to take root among the people. There's more work to be done, but for now peace settles over Kennex lands.