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Think of the Children!

Posted by Pax on 02/23/18
Princess Isolde collected quite a decent pile of donations at her wedding; now that things have quieted down, she divides the resulting funds in half. One half is spent on Lycene orphans -- helping to fund orphanages, and generally improving the lives of the orphans. Everyone can get behind this, and Princess Isolde's actions are quite popular.

It's the other half that's a little more iffy. Now, no one can really criticize putting aside the other half in a trust fund for the children inevitably orphaned in the fights to come with the forces closing in on Setarco, Stormwall, and Darkwater Watch. But no one really wants to be reminded that a lot of the soldiers marching off to war won't be coming home, and so while everyone approves of and appreciates the thought, something about it makes them just a little... uncomfortable.

But overall, Princess Isolde's actions are popular with both the Lyceum and the Faith, as well as the various charities that benefit, and her star rises a little higher.