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On Rabbit Registration

Posted by Puffin on 04/27/18
Let it be known to all that Prince Gareth Grayson is leading an effort by the Inquisition to register rabbits. The Inquisition is holding an Official Registration of the Crown.

No, this is not a joke.

As word has it, Princess Cassima Thrax is taking care of the setup of this operation, ensuring a timely, smooth experience that lets those who take their pets in to be inspected by the Inquisition be sure that their time will be efficiently spent. This is good, for there is grumbling about having to bring bunnies in for registration in the first place.

Faye distributes little red flowers to children unsure about handing their precious pets over to the Inquisition for inspection. Princess Elgana Redrain charms the people waiting in line, and all over the city to encourage them to register their rabbits. Duchess Grazia helps with the inspections to streamline the process, and Lumen Whisper - who purportedly has a bunny companion of her own - helps by standing next to Prince Gareth and murmuring softly to him all the while.

Can a Whisper soothe the savage Grayson Prince? It appears so - he smiles, he jokes about the bunny registration, he seems relaxed. Polished. Socially pleasant. No one has ever seen this before - which is to say, Lumen's reputation grows as a skilled Whisper.

And at the end of it, King Alaric IV steps up and - pardons all the rabbits who have undergone the registration process. It's the sort of silly thing the pre-rest Alaric might have done, but it also turns what might have been a long, annoying day into an amusing anecdote in the annals of time - the Inquisitiorial Rabbit Registration and Mass Pardoning of 1008.