Episode: Breaking the Silence
Posted by Story on 03/26/17
Bringers of Silence charge forward, as some chaos that can't quite be seen is ravaging their ranks in the fog beyond the Seawatch Gate. The Crimson Blades under the command of Lord Tobias wheel to meet the charge of Bringers in a perfectly orchestrated maneuver, cutting down several of the bringers as they meet their spears, while the others slam into the ranks of the Compact. One Bringer of Silence moves to kill the injured Prince Tristram, only to find itself face to face with Princess Reese Grayson who for just a moment, seems to glow, and the Bringer of Silence bursts into flame as she slashes it then explodes a moment later. Prince Barric, Sword of Bastion, slices his alaricite sword cleanly through another Bringer which seems to fall apart after being struck, dissolving. Roland and Artorius fight against another Bringer, dropping it low, while Lord Darrow's morning star smashes the head in of a bringer that is then beheaded by Lady Viviana. Lord Michael Bisland, holds a bringer as the Iron Guard rallies, and Sir Elrych cuts down another trying to reach Lady Maude. Through it all, the soldiers at the gate hold firm against the Bringers.
Strangely, the shavs and bringers gradually begin to withdraw, leaving hundreds of Compact soldiers dead, and perhaps a thousand dead shavs and dozens of dead bringers at the gate. Beyond in the mist, it sounds as if there's a herd of deer trampling through the mist, and roar of bears. The bringer army gradually begins to withdraw up the coast as the mist follows, and a trail of several thousand dead shavs is left along it, torn apart by forces unknown. The Bringer army withdraws to within a couple miles of the city and begins to surround Arx to the west, north and east, settling in for a siege... and beginning to construct siege towers from the Gray Forest, leaving the gate alone for now.
The Siege of Arx has begun.
Strangely, the shavs and bringers gradually begin to withdraw, leaving hundreds of Compact soldiers dead, and perhaps a thousand dead shavs and dozens of dead bringers at the gate. Beyond in the mist, it sounds as if there's a herd of deer trampling through the mist, and roar of bears. The bringer army gradually begins to withdraw up the coast as the mist follows, and a trail of several thousand dead shavs is left along it, torn apart by forces unknown. The Bringer army withdraws to within a couple miles of the city and begins to surround Arx to the west, north and east, settling in for a siege... and beginning to construct siege towers from the Gray Forest, leaving the gate alone for now.
The Siege of Arx has begun.