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Episode: Dark Whispers

Posted by Story on 06/01/17
It's hardly full dark when the cry goes up from the Ward of the Lyceum. An Inquisitor - Prince Laric Grayson - there to visit with Lady Juliet Fidante raises an alarm, and through the wails of witnesses it filters out into the ward, and then the city:

Someone has met a horrible end in that chamber, and those witnesses speak of a horrific scene. There have always been two portraits of the lady hanging up, and these have been removed and set up in a kind of triptych with a third. A new painting, also of Lady Juliet, but those horrified whispers claim this new picture is done in the worst kind of mixed media. "They painted her WITH her," someone gasps. "I seen it! There was blood and skin and hair and things I don't even know, right on the canvas!"

Someone else chimes in, "Canvas? It was skin! I swear I heard it was skin. Do you think she did it? Or do you think she's the one ON it?"

It's too soon to tell, and the family guards and Confessors are quick to move to keep gawkers away, but no blockade moves faster than rumor.

((OOC: feel free to story request or ask questions about this if you like, but as it's so late I'll be handling that stuff starting tomorrow. Sorry!))