Episode: Gyre Straits, Come the Fleet
Posted by Story on 03/16/18
For many military thinkers in the Compact, the strategy used by the pirate king called the Gyre made little sense. If he had as overwhelming force as was claimed, why the glacial pace in attacking? Why the slow approach, rather than quick strikes with force upon near helpless settlements and force the Compact to reach on his terms, rather than slowly approaching and letting the Compact mass forces? But if he is as mad as some claimed, who can say? And so at House Crovane's ducal holding of Stormwall, the largest gathering of military force for the Compact since the Crownbreaker Wars is seen, with nearly virtually all of the Northlands rallying to their eastern most ducal vassal. Tens of thousand of northmen line the beaches and walls of Stormwall, and they aren't alone. Tens of thousands of House Grayson and House Valardin and all their bannermen stand with them, and tens of thousands of templars and knights of solace of the Faith militant stand as well. Meanwhile, near the Lycene city-state of Setarco, the largest gathering of Compact naval forces since House Marin's was destroyed in the Reckoning have gathered to smash one of the three fleets of the Gyre. In the face of that, some thought perhaps the Gyre would rethink his strategy and turn away.
He hasn't.
At Stormwall, hundreds upon hundreds of ships, each swarming with figures, have appeared on the horizon. Many of the ships oddly look like they shouldn't even be seaworthy. Some looking more like wrecks dredged up from the depths, but sail on they do. They are coming.
He hasn't.
At Stormwall, hundreds upon hundreds of ships, each swarming with figures, have appeared on the horizon. Many of the ships oddly look like they shouldn't even be seaworthy. Some looking more like wrecks dredged up from the depths, but sail on they do. They are coming.