Episode: Gyre Straits, Come the Fleet
Posted by Story on 03/20/18
And then it lurches forward somehow, straight into the center of one of the Gyre's sub-fleets and... explodes. Fire just belches out of the sinking ship, engulfing the Gyre's fleets, and some of the Compact with it. The crew of the Red Serpent, meanwhile, has been rescued by Princess Caelis Valardin (which forces gossips to wonder whether her husband is ever going to forgive her for /that/) just as a... glass... shark.... leaps out of the water? The rest of the report goes unread in the square, and unpropagated, because someone, somewhere, has probably made some bizarre error while transferring actual events to paper to be spread among the people of the Compact. And everything is likely just fine. Or well - there are still pirate fleets out there that the Compact is fighting. The battle isn't over yet. And the gates of Setarco are still being assaulted by... er... murderdogs and... honestly, if you messengers can't remember messages any better than this you're fired. This is all gibberish. Squid-horse, indeed. A likely story.