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Episode: Gyre Straits, Come the Fleet

Posted by Story on 03/21/18
And then a single ship sails in - The Unsullied, with Princess Katarina as Captain. From the ship disembarks an unlikely crew - Dame Morrighan, Seraph Ailith, Princess Astraea, Prince Laric, and an Inquisitor named Faye. They bring more word. Lord Darrow is dead. Darkwater is freed - though nothing lives there at present, everything having been burned to a crisp. And the Gyre? The Gyre is dead, truly dead. Not bound but gone for good, at last returned to the Wheel.

When they start comparing notes with soldiers at Setarco, it seems the death of the Gyre coincided with the retreat of forces on sea and on land. Which begs the question - who ordered the retreat? And why?

For now, these questions remain unanswered as the people of the Compact start to honor their dead and return to their loved ones. Life goes on, even when it's hard and filled with grief and loss. For now the threat is ended, as spring flowers bloom.

For now.