Episode: Much Ado About Prodigals
Posted by Story on 04/15/18
It's a slow-moving caravan indeed, which gives the people of Greenmarch time to prepare. Word comes via Lady Margret that the missionaries are coming, and she encourages the people to respond to the Faith by showing them how religious the Greenmarchers are these days. Make sure to impress upon them how pious you are, she says. Even if it seems a little over the top. Lady Monique and Lord Corban Telmar join them. Play along, they encourage, so that your traditions might be protected from overzealous pilgrims. Marquis Marius, Marquessa Simone, and Lady Ianna Greenmarch likewise agree - show piety to these people who come. Korka Glynn rallies the commoners to join the ruse of excessive piety among Greenmarch and Rivenshari.
There's a second activity too - most of those nobles seem to also be looking for information specifically on Orazio and what the "real" mission is. When these missionaries show up, be helpful. Be thoughtful. Report anything unusual. Anything even remotely out of the ordinary. Blend in. Never let them know they're being watched. Invaders, some whisper softly. Always keep an eye on the enemy.
It makes Greenmarchers understandably nervous as so many of their leaders - not just Prodigals but long-term inhabitants of the Oathlands - start preparing them for what seems increasingly like a hostile invasion, thinly veiled as a missionary trip.
There's a second activity too - most of those nobles seem to also be looking for information specifically on Orazio and what the "real" mission is. When these missionaries show up, be helpful. Be thoughtful. Report anything unusual. Anything even remotely out of the ordinary. Blend in. Never let them know they're being watched. Invaders, some whisper softly. Always keep an eye on the enemy.
It makes Greenmarchers understandably nervous as so many of their leaders - not just Prodigals but long-term inhabitants of the Oathlands - start preparing them for what seems increasingly like a hostile invasion, thinly veiled as a missionary trip.