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Episode: Much Ado About Prodigals

Posted by Story on 04/15/18
On the whole, the mission unites. Many Prodigals reaffirm their commitment to the Faith of the Pantheon, though they honestly admit they are not leaving their shamanistic ways behind, merely augmenting them. But the missionary trip is a solid step toward understanding and outreach. And then the Seraph of Sanctum makes a public statement about it.

"Word has reached us here in Sanctum of the missionary trip led by Father Orazio from Arx. This sort of missionary outreach is precisely the sort of thing we would expect the Legate of Concepts to do and as such, we are extremely pleased to hear of its outstanding success. The Oathlands are the Heart of the Faith, and while there have been many changes and new faces settling in our lands of late, it is heartening that they have embraced the Faith with open and honest hearts. Rivenshari in particular is to be lauded for their honesty and integrity - two qualities we greatly prize. To that end, and with the great success of the missionary trip in mind, I would extend an offer of hospitality to those involved in this trip, to visit Sanctum and refresh themselves here before their long journey home."

"And yet it falls to me to address other, darker rumors. It has not escaped my attention that there were those leaders, both among the Prodigals and even some from ancient Oathland houses, who decided that this mission was for dark purposes. Indeed, there were those who counseled a path of deception. Of lies. I do not know from what source these rumors came, but it only benefits our enemies when we are divided from within by those who would sow mistrust of the Faith. I thus charge High Lord Edain and the Voices of Valardin to root out these enemies among us who would see us divided, who would spread lies and calumny against representatives of the Faith. And I charge all those who fell for such a ruse to repent, to right their hearts and their course with regard to the Faith, and to aid High Lord Edain in his charge to cleanse the Heart of Valardin."

"May the Gods be with us all."