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Concerning Punishment

Posted by Ford on 08/27/18
After long and continued discussions between The Faith and Kennex. We've decided that it's time for certain things to end. Long has Stormward used execution by salt water drowning to dispatch it's most terrible of criminals and enemies. The Faith has helped Kennex see that this old tradition is barbaric and cruel. So from this moment onward, Stormward and any Kennex lands will stop the use of salt water drowning as capital punishment.

That being said, don't get too comfortable crims. We're still coming for you.

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<'\ \_\_\_\
"The winds of change are ever at our back"

Ford Kennex
Marquis of Stormward

--- Leary Stance (from Fairen) ---
House Leary praises Kennex for their progressivism and forward progress. It is always a good thing when overly cruel things like this end.