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Newest Magistrates

Posted by Octavia on 04/05/19
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As the city grows, and as older magistrates retire, it is important to continue to replenish the pool of people who arbitrate disputes and speak justice in the name of the King. This year, the need coincided quite well with the festival of Courtkeep, and so our new magistrates had the honor of being sworn in on the Sentinel's holy day.

The city's newest magistrates are:
* Lord Magistrate Alessandro Greenmarch, of the District of the Central Ward.
* Lady Magistrate Teagan Blackram, of the District of the Upper Boroughs.
* Lady Magistrate Amari Keaton, of the District of the Upper Boroughs.
* Lady Magistrate Lailah Bisland, of the District of the Lower Boroughs.
* Lord Magistrate Cadern Ravenseye, of the District of the Lower Boroughs.

Long live the King, and Long Live the King's Peace.

_,_ /,
Marquessa Octavia Kennex
Chief Magistrate, Crown Court of Arx

--- Whitehawk Stance (from Evonleigh) ---
Whitehawk congratulates all of the new magistrates, all well worthy of their appointments. We thank them for keeping our city fair and just in all matters.