Darkwater Travel Restrictions
Posted by Carita on 04/14/19
As of this day, December the 12th in the year 1010, for the crimes and atrocities committed against House Darkwater and it's people, Alrec Magaldi is hereby not permitted within sight nor upon Darkwater lands, waters or any holdings until reparation and atonement have been made and forgiveness has been granted by the House.
Mercy is no virtue, daring is no vice.
Carita Darkwater, Countess of Darkwater Watch
Minister of Finance for House Thrax
--- Kennex Stance (from Aethan) ---
Kennex stands behind Darkwater in this as ever, and extends the ban to our waters and lands until such time as the Countess has granted her forgiveness.
--- Navegant Stance (from Turo) ---
Navegant all too happy to extend this same ban to its lands and waters.