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The Duty of the Liberators of Skald

Posted by Aleksei on 02/09/20
Several years ago, Skald was returned to the Faith by proclamation of Dominus Aldwin. Soon, the formation of the Liberators of Skald, his discipleship, was to follow. One of the earliest projects of the Liberators of Skald was to build new programs of the Faith to care for those recently freed from bondage: we offered former thralls and slaves the assistance of the Faith to settle in a place of their choosing, provided room and board, and helping to secure them work in a field where they might have skill or experience, or apprenticeships to help develop new skills. All to the purpose of making certain that those who had been freed would not then fall through the cracks, unable to find their footing.

When House Kennex freed twenty thousand souls in a moment, those programs were tested, but we did not fail in our duty. Countless members of the Compact stepped forward to offer their assistance, either in the form of ships, funds, leadership, organization, or many other personal acts of support; none offered quite so much as House Pravus, who sent nearly their entire fleet to make sure the freed thralls of Stormward would have transport to their new homes.

But even if that had not been the case, the duty of the Liberators of Skald is clear. There are tens of thousands of refugees who made it to the shores of Arvum. Tens of thousands of souls recently freed from bondage. This proclamation is to make public declaration that we will not falter under these numbers, just as we remained steady those years ago. Every freed soul who wishes it will have the support of the Faith to reclaim new lives of their own choosing.

Any of those in the peerage or the commons of the Compact who are looking for a path to support these people are welcome to reach out to me; every hour, ever silver, goes towards the cause of helping those who are most in need of our aid. We will make sure that everyone who wishes to join us has an impact in changing lives.

Aleksei Morgan, First Liberator of the Liberators of Skald
Serving under Blessed Astrid, Archlector of Skald

--- Seliki Stance via Orrin ---
House Seliki is grateful for the tireless work of the Liberators, and as always stands ready to receive those freed and give them the care, homes, and lives of self-determination the should have had from their first breaths.

--- Kennex Stance via Catalana ---
House Kennex praises the tireless work the liberators and grateful for the aid they gave us all the years ago. We stand ready to support the liberators work in whatever way necessary.

--- Whitehawk Stance via Evonleigh ---
House Whitehawk stands in full support of the work of the Liberators of Skald and all who seek to end thralldom and slavery wherever it occurs. Hawkhold is a place the liberated are welcome to start a new life.

--- Scholars Stance via Delilah ---
The Scholars lend their assistance and aid to all who endeavour to aid the liberated. We stand alongside the Liberators to provide the knowledge and wherewithal to support the freed as they venture into a new chapter of their lives.