All Praise to Community
Posted by Oili on 02/24/20
Let it not be said that Lady Oili Acheron doesn't honor those who help when called upon. I asked for assistance in gathering the necesary medical supplies to face the coming crusade and ensure that those marching upon the Mourning Isles would be able to find their way back home safely. I asked for assistance in gathering the necessary medical supplies to support the work of Saving Grace in Arx when the wounded and refugee return to our city in force. The ability to provide appropriate medical care will become tantamount to our efforts of ensuring the futures of all those impacted.
I want to personally, publically, thank Marshal Bedivere Whitehawk for his donation of military writs to purchase medical supplies and Minister Mabelle Laurent for her offer of economic writs and financial assistance in obtaining the writs. I additionally would like to thank Ambassador Mikani Crovane and Jules Fabron for their generous assistance in the form of 5,700 writs. On this day, the support of those listed has provided us with a brighter future.
Walk True,
Lady Oili Acheron