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Increased Iron Guard protection

Posted by Jyri on 05/03/20
The Iron Guard will be increasing patrols between the East gate towards City Center, in the Merchant Districts, and at the gates to and from the Lowers. The Iron Guard's presence will encourage sane economical habits and offer protection to merchants which are under heavy pressure, as the city adjusts to the new logistical issues. The Iron Guard will also aid caravans entering the city from the roads towards the east gate, as far as Arx's influence goes, to speed up movement into and out of the city. Furthermore, the Iron Guard will offer protection to charity workers, and aid in logistical endeavours in moving necessary goods to those in need, should so be requested.

-Lord Jyri Whitehawk, Lieutenant of the Iron Guard

--- Grayhope Stance via Mayir ---
We applaud the Guard's consistency in thinking every problem solved by increased scrutiny on the Lowers.

--- Templars Stance via Preston ---
We are certain the Solace will welcome the aid of the Iron Guard in their holy duty to guard the roads, just as we will of course welcome their assistance in guarding the Godsworn who undertake the vast majority of charity.

--- Iron Guard Stance via Jyri ---
The Iron Guard is humbled and warmed to the heart by Mayir Grayhope's continuous support, as one of the respectful, lawful merchants of the city.