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Blackram Birth

Posted by Teagan on 07/10/20
Blackram is pleased to announce that a healthy baby girl has been born to Marquessa Teagan and Marquis-Consort Rien. Though she may have been born in the thick of summer, they are confident that she will adapt well to the winters in the Cloudspine. So please welcome Lady Thora Blackram and send your sympathies to the household.

Drinks at the Sleepless Knight are on Blackram for the next week. Next two weeks if you're drinking goat's milk.

--- The Crown Stance via Saoirse ---
May she not be a Thor(n)a in your sides. De rien.

--- Wyvernheart Stance via Kiera ---
House Wyvernheart wishes to congratulate Marquessa Teagan and Marquis-Consort Rein On the birth of their daughter Thora. May she grow with peace and love.