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New Voice For House Laurent

Posted by Cristoph on 11/13/20
It's my pleasure to announce a new Voice for House Laurent. Lady Mabelle Laurent has done considerable work for our family as well as the people of Artshall. The level of dedication and heart that she puts into every task set before her is truly astounding and something that I look toward as inspiration.

All messages of import for House Laurent may be sent to myself, Lady Jael and Lady Mabelle from here on out.

Duke Cristoph Laurent

--- Moore Stance via Brigid ---
While I can't speak for all of the Oathlands, I know that Moore has seen truly how big her heart is. Congratulations, Lady Mabelle! May Laurent continue to thrive and prosper with the lending of your voice.

--- Valardin Stance via Alis ---
We offer our warmest congratulations to Lady Mabelle, whose hard work and dedication is an example for us all.

--- Grimhall Stance via Valdemar ---
We commend house Laurent on their wisdom in raising Lady Mabelle to such a position of trust.

--- Wyvernheart Stance via Drake ---
Congratulations to you, Lady Mabelle, on behalf of our family. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

--- Kennex Stance via Zoey ---
Congratulations to Lady Mabelle for much deserved recognition. Doubtless she will do well in her new position.

--- Tessere Stance via Gaspar ---
House Tessere offers our sincerest congratulations to House Laurent for placing Lady Mabelle in a logical position. We also mourn for Lady Mabelle as her expectation for baked goods to be delivered to the other House Voices has increased tenfold.

--- Keaton Stance via Kael ---
House Keaton celebrates the newest Voice of House Laurent.

--- Bisland Stance via Michael ---
House Bisland has always felt Lady Mabelle is a capable noble and well suited to be Voice for her house.

--- Grayson Stance via Liara ---
House Grayson views this as a splendid decision and the Princess of Bastion is particularly pleased to see Lady Mabelle's talents thus recognised.

--- Seraceni Stance via Dio ---
We congratulate House Laurent on the elevation of a Voice of eloquence and grace.

--- Farshaw Stance via Clover ---
House Farshaw wishes the Lady Mabelle sincere congratulations upon her appointment. We are sure she will do the position justice.

--- Seryn Stance via Iseulet ---
Our deepest and most sincere congratulations to Lady Mabelle. I couldn't BEE more happy!