Appointments of Tremorus
Posted by Ezmeralda on 02/06/21
May the heralds of the Compact carry this news across the domains of Arvum,
After careful consideration and repeatedly observing the Pontelaeus brothers putting the city-state of Tremorus and the well-being, prosperity, and security of the Arakkoan people before themselves, we hereby appoint Giorgio Pontelaeus as a Voice of Tremorus and Hand of the Praefecta while the administrative body recognizes Savio Pontelaeus as the Voice of the People (Minister of Population). We have every confidence they will excel in these positions and look forward to the innovations and continued civil and economic efforts of the Pontelaeus family; who have served us loyally for thousands of years and, Gods willing, shall continue to do so for thousands more.
By my hand,
Ezmeralda Leporidae, Lady of Tremorus, on the twentieth day of the eleventh month of the year ten-fourteen
--- Amadeo Stance via Orland ---
Amadeo congratulates the Pontelaeus brothers for their recognized merits and elevated appointments!
After careful consideration and repeatedly observing the Pontelaeus brothers putting the city-state of Tremorus and the well-being, prosperity, and security of the Arakkoan people before themselves, we hereby appoint Giorgio Pontelaeus as a Voice of Tremorus and Hand of the Praefecta while the administrative body recognizes Savio Pontelaeus as the Voice of the People (Minister of Population). We have every confidence they will excel in these positions and look forward to the innovations and continued civil and economic efforts of the Pontelaeus family; who have served us loyally for thousands of years and, Gods willing, shall continue to do so for thousands more.
By my hand,
Ezmeralda Leporidae, Lady of Tremorus, on the twentieth day of the eleventh month of the year ten-fourteen
--- Amadeo Stance via Orland ---
Amadeo congratulates the Pontelaeus brothers for their recognized merits and elevated appointments!