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Not this guy again...

Posted by Preston on 02/10/21
As Carnifex of the Faith it is my duty to deal with matters relating to the Eurusi conflict, including the inane prattlings of Brother Waldo. Rather than hand himself in obediently, Brother Waldo has continued to give sermons. Not content with offending Limerance with his betrayal of his oaths, not content with shaming Gloria with his dishonourable behaviour, he now uttered the contemptable heresy that the Gods are somehow showing favour or disfavour through natural disasters. He claims to be a traditionalist - perhaps a traditional shaman with such talk, but certainly no part of the Faith.

One charge of Heresy is added for consideration by the Star Chamber of the Faith at his upcoming trial, and he is commanded not to speak such heresies again, on pain of Silent Reflection.

Further, any house found giving him succor or support will - until such time as a permanent punishment be decided by the Dominus or whomever the Most Holy should delegate - suffer interdiction by the Faith. Such a house would enjoy no weddings or other rites, their oaths will not be recorded, Solace will withdraw from protection of your roads, and all contracts for supply of goods or services to the Faith rescinded. You will be as strangers, unknown to us, unloved by the Gods, while you contemplate your errors and await the Most Holy's verdict. But, thankfully, we are certain Waldo survives alone and no house would be so foolish as to side with this sad wayward child against the Faith.

By my hand,

Sir Preston Godsworn
Carnifex of the Faith of the Pantheon