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Voice Edris Elwood

Posted by Natalia on 05/24/22
Let it be known that Lord Edris Elwood speaks with my voice and is as such recognized as a Voice of House Elwood. He has served our land and her people as they deserve; the good he has done will be felt in the generations to come, as those he teaches are inspired to do the same. He honors us.

-- Baroness Natalia Elwood

--- Telmar Stance via Tesha ---
House Telmar sends its congratulations to Lord Edris on his new appointment. May he continue to serve House Elwood for many years to come.

--- Valardin Stance via Alis ---
A well deserved appointment! May House Elwood continue to grow and prosper.

--- Wyrmguard Stance via Desiree ---
House Wyrmguard congratulates the appointment of Lord Edris to Voice of House Elwood. May the barony continue to flourish under the leadership of Baroness Natalia and Lord Edris.

--- Wyvernheart Stance via Kiera ---
House Wyvernheart congratulates Lord Edris Elwood on being named voice

--- Keaton Stance via Kael ---
House Keaton congratulates Lord Edris for his new appointment. To the very end!

--- Laurent Stance via Eiran ---
Felicitations from House Laurent! May House Elwood thrive under the wisdom of its new voice.