The Traitor Everard Telmar
Posted by Leo on 01/04/17
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"We Stand.”
By the hand of Leo Fidante, Minister of Loyalty, on this 27th day of the 7th month in the 1005th year After the Reckoning,
Let it be known that Everard Telmar has been found traitor to the Crown and agent of the White Stewards, responsible for the orders that lead to the deaths of Archduchess Velenosa, Lord Commander Valardin, High Lord Redrain and the horrible state of his Majesty, King Alaric IV. Upon willing obstruction of the Minister of Defense and the Lady Regent in following the rule of law, he drew steel upon the Crown and her servants. Those of the Iron Guard still loyal to this realm are ordered to lay down their weapons and surrender to the Crown. Those that have fled, or refuse to surrender, have betrayed their oaths and are declared Oathbreakers, to be put to death as traitors to the Compact.
Leo Fidante
Duke of Tor
Minister of Loyalty