Greenmarch Announces...
Posted by Monique on 03/03/18
It is with great pride and pleasure that House Greenmarch announces the arrival of the Lady Margret Greenmarch to the City!
As was Lady Margret's duty at Greenhaven, she assumes the mantle of Minister of Loyalty for Greenmarch here in the city. We know that she will fulfill her duties with the calm and steadfast cheer for which she is known. Congratulate her (or extend your condolences at her increased burden), and wish her well in her role!
As was Lady Margret's duty at Greenhaven, she assumes the mantle of Minister of Loyalty for Greenmarch here in the city. We know that she will fulfill her duties with the calm and steadfast cheer for which she is known. Congratulate her (or extend your condolences at her increased burden), and wish her well in her role!