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Happy Monday

Posted by Tikva on 04/19/18
House Grayson officially authorizes this coming Monday as a gift-giving holiday for all. Give a gift to someone whom you love. Or someone you like cordially. Or someone you vaguely tolerate but still feel inclined to give something. Or anyone you think it would be funny to give a gift to.

By my hand this 2nd day of the 8th month of 1008 AR.


--- The Crown Stance (from Saoirse) ---
This is your gift. (The crown also thinks this is a nice idea)

--- Telmar Stance (from Arn) ---
Thank the gods House Grayson is here to allow us to do things amongst ourselves. I'll sleep better tonight.

--- Whisper Stance (from Lumen) ---
Yes, we will be ready to receive our gifts at that time.

--- Faith of the Pantheon Stance (from Orazio) ---
Encouraging people to honor Gild through gift giving and generosity is never a bad thing.

--- The Salon Stance (from Sparte) ---
The Philosophical Society encourages people to give the gift of good questions, and better answers.

--- Harthall Stance (from Orvyn) ---
House Harthall has dedicated a galley to travel to Stormwall and deliver any additional gifts to the displaced citizens there.