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Reaving with the Navegants

Skapti has been given orders to visit the island known to be the home of a shav tribe, do some reaving, and remind them that it's really better for everyone if they just stay on their island instead of getting in everyone's way out on the open water.


Aug. 9, 2019, 9 p.m.

Hosted By


GM'd By



Aelgar Faelan Flavien Garret Jasher Skapti Viveka Regla Delfina



Outside Arx - Escuma - Open Water

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

The journey toward the small island with not even a name is as smooth as any sailors could dream, with favourable winds and rousing evenings of music and rum. Swinging around from the west, the crew of Skapti, Jasher, Regla, Faelan and the rest get to just outside of sight of the island whose only inhabitants is a small tribe of shavs. As they near, however, they're greeted with the sight of a small pirate ship! It's clearly not related to Reveka Tyde - the markings are too different and they're alone - but pirates nonetheless. By size of vessel, they'd be an easy match for the crew of the Navegant ship. The ships are out of range of sight from the island, and there are no other ships on the horizon.

Skapti frankly doesn't have much against pirates, having on occasion taken part in such business in the past, but there's a chance this crew is made of shavs from the very isle they're about to reave. It wouldn't do to let word get back, and so the Salt is personally in favor of taking the ship, and shares as much with the others.

Faelan checked perception + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 27 higher.

Skapti checked perception + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 18 higher.

Regla checked perception + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 16 lower.

Flavien checked perception + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 6 lower.

Jasher checked perception + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 26 higher.

Flavien had come along on this particular voyage as an aid to do as Captain Skapti needs. He seems to be ready for that as he studies the rival crew. "If that's your call, then I bow to your experience."

Jasher keeps himself busy while the ship travels. Checking knots, noting changes in wind direction, adjusting sails, and all the matters typical of marine travel. Skapti's assertion does have him look up and towards the smaller vessel in the distance, then back at Skapti. "They have not been at sea long," he says. "They may have come from the island, or somewhere not far. No armour but for the captain. Overconfident, or..." he trails off.

With her hand rested on the pommel of Shellbreaker, Regla stands on the deck eyeing the other ship. With the wind in her hair she turns slightly to the rest of her crew, "If we can see them, they can see us. If they can see us, and they just happen to be shavs, we don't want them reporting our pressence. Ff they're pirate? The marine in me wants to tear them apart regardless."

Faelan is rather experienced with pirate hunting, so he walks forwards along the ship to get a better view of the ship they're approaching, eyes narrowing as he studies the ship. "Professionals. Organized. Supplied. We go after them they're more likely to cut tail and run than risk crew and ship. Unless they've got a base of operations on this island, then they'll fight for it." Faelan's shoulders shrug a little bit, a creak of leather with the motion. "I'd vote attack them and prevent them spreading warning to the island if we can." Faelan turns his head to look back out over the water at the other ship, waiting and watching to see what the other ship does with them approaching.

Skapti checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 7 lower.

The approach to the pirate ship isn't done as well as perhaps anyone would have wanted. Miscommunication leads to one sailor getting tripped up in some lines and bumping his head. Seeing that, the pirates laugh and jeer as the Navegant ship approaches. If there had been an opportunity to intimidate them into surrender, it won't be seized through command and seamanship. Perhaps a convincing argument might win the day, but the way those pirates are sneering, it might not be possible. They look ready to fight.

Perhaps not the best outcome, but then Skapti doesn't seem to mind the possibility of a fight, either. He walks the deck, giving orders to prepare close and board, loosening his cutlass in it's scabard. Sometimes you just had to do things the hard way, and he begins to make preparations, so that they're ready regardless.

Flavien hadn't seemed to be trying to either scare someone off or bring them to diplomatic heel. The novice on the water comparitively looks to the others as if for the cue.

Jasher checked command + intimidation at difficulty 50, rolling 11 lower.

Faelan tilts his head as it becomes apparent that a fight it's going to be. He walks up the deck a little ways, spacing himself a bit from the other nobles and officer sorts on the ship, standing amongst the common sailors. He sweeps back the sides of his great coat, hands settling on his weapons at his hips, one hand on the head of his axe, the other on the rather fancy cutlass. The cutlass being the one he draws to hold at the ready. A gift from Regla before the battle of Maelstrom. One of the Cobalt blades. And he simply stands ready at the side of the ship, to board or repell boarders depending on which ship wrangles the advantage of momentum.

Jasher heads up to the bow, cupping a hand around his mouth in an attempt to carry his voice further. Still, shouting over the sea isn't exactly easy on the lungs, and his voice gets this close to cracking from the volume. "This is a vessel of the Compact!" He calls. "Lay down your arms and surrender, and your lives will be spared!"

The efforts of the Prince to talk the pirates into submission. The Captain calls back, "If you fight twice as well as you pilot that ship, I like our chances just fine. What do you say, boys?" The rest of the pirate crew laugh and jeer, loudly and crassly calling into question the parentage of the Navegant ship's crew.

Skapti wields Well-worn cutlass.

Flavien wields Dragonsmaw, Scarlet Star of Artshall.

"You know, I was rather hoping that would be their answer," Skapti rasps, as he draws his blade, rolls his neck a bit to loosen up. At that, Skapti begins barking more orders, to get the ship to come about and board, trusting that Faelan and Regla can handle the particulars of tactics once the fight's been met, so that he can concentrate on captaining the ship until they're in combat.

Faelan wields Intricately forged ancient steel cutlass.

Regla wields Shellbreaker - Sword of Escuma.

Jasher lifts an eyebrow. He steps away before any archers among the pirates can get ideas, then goes to prepare with the others, drawing his own blade. It catches once at the nick before coming loose.

Flavien pulls out his rather ridiculous looking weapon and sets his jaw. There's something lingering under his look, a hard resignation with a little shake of his head. Unless told otherwise, he heads up towards the bow for their little encounter.

Jasher wields a thin cutlass with a razor's edge.

"I suppose I'm really rather glad they've gone this way as well." Regla steps up with the rest of the crew, drawing Shellbreaker.

Faelan turns his head, glancing down the ship towards the others. "Who wants the Captain? I'll take him if none of you do." There's a grin forming on Faelan's features. The man really only comes truly alive when combat is imminent, or shortly there after. "Regla? You want him?" He asks, and if no one else moves to angle themselves to board towards the captain? Faelan will. He holds tight to the nearest rope to keep himself steady against the roll of the ship.

Skapti sort of glances at Flavien's... Strange armament, and seems for a moment to wonder if the Laurent lordling is going to hurt himself...

Regla checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 34 higher.

Faelan checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 10 higher.

Skapti checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 20 higher.

Flavien checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 32 higher.

Jasher checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 55 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dexterity(2) + dodge(2) at difficulty 30, rolling 3 lower.

Turo GM Roll checked dexterity(2) + dodge(2) at difficulty 30, rolling 11 lower.

Turo GM Roll checked dexterity(2) + dodge(2) at difficulty 30, rolling 4 lower.

Turo GM Roll checked dexterity(2) + dodge(2) at difficulty 30, rolling 4 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dexterity(2) + dodge(2) at difficulty 30, rolling 2 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dexterity(3) + dodge(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 12 higher.

Flavien did not, at least hurt himself. While this was perhaps the strangest looking weapon, Flavien threw himself into its use as he used its awkward weight to swing him around, almost dancing around with it as he went full on into the SMASH mode.

There was that moment of anticipation right before swords clash, so thick one can almost hold and taste it. The promise of violence and blood amidst the brine and the salt, quickening the heart and tightening the grip. A lure Jasher was all too familiar with as he waits, then strikes. He moves, keeping his legs bowed to compensate for the pitch and roll of vessels, ropes, and other less-stable footing as he fights, focused more on offense than finesse.

Skapti keeps bellowing commands to his men, right up until the last second. It's not until the grapples are set, and the ships are right next to each other that he stops, and then joins the rest of the crew in assailing the pirate vessel, leaping to it with a practiced ease. He slashes his way across the deck, and soon finds himself locked in combat with one of the crew, looking to end it fast.

Anyone that knows Regi, knows that she's the Sword of Escuma for a reason. That she is, extremely capable with her blade and her fighting. That, and a damn good sailor to boot all thanks to her brother's teachings. There is no wasted movement, no flash, just a woman who knows how to use a blade and knows that she prefers her fights ended quickly.

Faelan waits until the motion of the boat carries them close, and he uses the rise of a wave to step up onto the ship's rail and then over to the next ship over. He shoulders his way past one of the pirate crew, letting the Navegant ship's crew handle him as Faelan heads right for the Captain. "Should have surrendered or fled." Falean snarls at the Captain as he lunges forwards, swinging from the side with his cutlass, one foot out to brace against the swell of the ocean under the ship, knowing insinctively which direction it's about to roll.

The battle joined, the Navegant crew are slightly ounumbered, but seem to have the advantage in gear. Flavien's smash mode attacks strike home and cut deep, his opponent taking massive damage, and nearly stumbling into unconsciousness then and there. The pirate in front of Jasher falls silently before the Prince's blade, blood pooling quickly on the deck beneath him, his eyes staring glassily up at the sun, not blinking. Captain Skapti, having secured the ship to boarding, manages success against his opponent as well, cutting a mark that will likely leave a scar, assuming he survives - something to remember the Salt by. Regla fares as well as Flavien did, her pirate staring in surprise as so much of his precious blood starts running from his body, which is certainly not optimal. Faelan, by contrast, drew the short straw with this captain. A nick on the man's bicep is all Faelan could manage, as the Pirate Captain dances well. There's a derisive sneer from the man as he stares with contempt at Faelan.

Turo GM Roll checked str(2) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 21 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(2) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 0 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(2) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 14 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(2) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 11 lower.

Regla checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 24 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(3) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 5 higher.

Faelan checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 4 lower.

Regla checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 12 higher.

Flavien checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 3 higher.

Skapti checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 25 higher.

Jasher checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 90 higher. Jasher rolled a critical!

The Captain is the first to strike back at Faelan, his smirk cocky and certain. His cutlass aims a slash at the Navegant lord's thigh, and cuts a clean line into Faelan's flesh. Not deep enough to do much more than bleed, but that just makes the Captain grin even more widely.
The remaining pirate - the one who had not been attacked by the Navegants - rushes in to attack Prince Jasher. And slips. That leaves him wide open for an incredibly skilled counter by Jasher, and the pirate seems to know he's not long for the world.
While the pirate Skapti is fighting /does/ get an attack thruogh - a thrust to the Salt's sternum - Skapti's astonishingly good armour deflects the blow with barely a scratch. The pirate scowls, but there's hesitation in his eyes.
It's a similar story with Regla, who finds herself saved a mark by her leather armour, the tough hide keeping the slash for her right bicep from doing anything at all.
Flavien finds himself receiving the worst of the Navegant crew, as his defense just wasn't sufficient for the crafty pirate, whose sword puts a slice into his right calf.

11 inflicted and Flavien is unharmed.

6 inflicted and Faelan is unharmed.

Faelan checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 34 higher.

Jasher doesn't pass up the opportunity. At the slip, he snakes the cutlass in, expertly sliding the blade into the man's heart, then lets go, not even sparing the man the dignity of watching the light in his eyes go out, or the blood pooling on the deck. "Twice as good as we pilot, I suppose," he calls towards the pirate captain, a taunt in an attempt to catch him off-guard, and thus give Faelan an advantage.

Skapti checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 40 higher.

Flavien checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 6 lower.

Flavien barely seemed to register the cut at first - another scar to add to the mix. But when you're still getting your sea legs, that can make for a lot more awkwardness in your movement, so swining often went wide when not properly calculated for the difference in step.

As Skapti's man scowls, the Salt just smiles back, and rasps "Startin' to sink in, innit, lad?" and gives a shake of his head. He spits in the man's face then, and using the distraction, rushes in, aiming a blow at the man's thigh, looking to open an artery.

Faelan of all things? Grins when he takes the hit back, prompting him to step in and press the attack harder, boot secure on the deck of the ship, ignoring the slice to his thigh, his great coat billowing around him as he fights. "I am Faelan Navegant. Warlord to House Grimhall. Hunter of pirates. Who stood beside Harald Grimhall and faced down the Herald Orichalcum face to face. You are nothing to me." Faelan's voice is a roar, to be heard above the clash and din of the fighting. Letting the gods hear his name and deeds, as well as the pirate captain. After that though he goes back to quiet, a grin splitting his lips wide open as he swings and battles with the captain.

Jasher checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 7 higher.

Regla's armor takes the hit, and luckily enough, does nothing. She side steps and the second attack comes shortly thereafter.

Regla checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 11 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(2) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 4 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(2) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 6 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(2) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 16 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(3) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 3 lower.

Flavien's attack, unfortunately, was deflected easily by the pirate, who sneers, "Ya /look/ like you can hit. But ya can't, can ya? All pretty armour..." And then he presses his counter aiming a strike at the Laurent's right thigh.
Skapti's attack on the pirate is as effective as that taunt, and the man's leg runs red with blood (and probably urine), and he collapses into a widening pool of it all, dying in mere moments.
Regla's attack is only barely effective, nicking the pirate in the hand. He just growls and rushes in to assault her with whatever he has left.
The Captain is distracted by Jasher's jibe, and there's a moment of pause when he hears the iron in Faelan's voice. The pair attack and overwhelm the man nearly enough to win the day, but he manages to turn aside most of what Jasher brings, which leaves him grievously wounded and panting.

Faelan checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 9 lower.

Flavien checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 8 higher.

Skapti checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 16 higher.

Regla checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 4 lower.

Jasher checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 37 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked strength(2) + medium wpn(2) at difficulty 30, rolling 2 lower.

Turo GM Roll checked strength(2) + medium wpn(2) at difficulty 30, rolling 13 lower.

Turo GM Roll checked str(3) + medium wpn(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 0 higher.

Faelan checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 40 higher.

Flavien checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 8 lower.

Talking. All of this talking. That's very much more a pirate thing. Honestly, one might even expect it to come from a Laurent knight, given how full of hot air they tended to be, but not this one. The more bloows just brought on small sounds and grunts. More movement from Flavien brought those little noises, but until he was called off, he wasn't going to stop. His method seemed to be on outlasting an opponent beating on him.

"And now you and your crew will die, and the gods will never hear your names." Faelan bellows as he surges forwards, step, slash, step, slash, step and then sees his opening in his opponent's defenses. There's no anger at having help. Faelan has said it before. There's no such thing as a fair fight. Only the dead and the victors. So he springs forwards with a huge swing for the pirate Captain, silent after his words, just focusing on ending the other man's life as quickly as possible.

The first time a boarding axe had been pressed into Skapti's hand, the reaver that did so had told him to always go for the balls and the legs. Less armor, and most men held their shields too high in any case. It seems the advice had seen the Salt through again, and so he looks about, and seeing the Laurent lord having some struggles, moves to stab the lordling's foe in the back, the ideal spot for it, really.

Skapti checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 17 higher.

Skapti checked dexterity + stealth at difficulty 30, rolling 2 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dexterity(2) + dodge(2) at difficulty 30, rolling 13 lower.

Regla checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 15 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dexterity(2) + dodge(2) at difficulty 30, rolling 0 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dexterity(3) + dodge(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 5 higher.

Jasher snakes after Faelan, like a shadow to follow up should the Navegant lord fail, cutlass at the ready. In the circumstance his assistance is unnecessary, he pivots towards Flavien, moving to assist the Laurent lord after Skapti.

Jasher checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 23 higher.

Numbers have turned on the pirates, not to mention the shifty tactics of Skapti. The pirate who had been engaged with Flavien was far too absorbed with the Laurent, and then his back absorbed the blade of Skapti's cutlass. He falls to the deck, unmourned and unloved.
Regla's assault on the pirate facing her smashes past his defense, and he collapses to the deck with Shellbreaker having taken his life at last - neither the first nor the last to fall before the Sword of Navegant.
The Captain didn't even have the chance to yield. Between Jasher and Faelan, the pirate captain is overwhelmed and he slumps against the rail of his ship, then tumbles over the edge, into the water with a splash.

The Navegant crew is successful in the end, and with very few major wounds. Oh, the Mercies will be busy, but the Navegant sailors are well-trained and fought marvellously, suffering no losses. A cheer rises up from the Marines. And now the question is: what's next?

Faelan would have given no quarter even had the Captain asked for it. He had his chance to cut bait and run. He had the ability to take his crew away from that fight. He chose death. Faelan watches the body tumble into the water, then turns as he flicks his blade to clear the blood from it and looks for another opponent, helping the crew mop up the last of the pirates. There is a nod to Prince Jasher though, a nod of acknowledgement before he goes in search of more to kill. When the fighting is done though he'll inspect the ship, probably with the intention of taking it back to Escuma with them. One does not simply throw away a perfectly good ship. Once done though he'll make his way back over to the Navegant ship and wait to see where Skapti takes them next. More blood shed? Exploration? Looting and pillaging?

Flavien blinks from the spray from Skapti's little trick on the other. He wipes his mace on the corpse's clothes as if to get it slightly less slick. "Thanks," he says simply before looking to the ship. "What do you do when you take one over? Send it with a detachment crew back as part of your plunder? Or is this a burn their resources sort of thing?"

Regla would have, were the combatant able and willing, given quarter herself. Remove the threat, move to the next one, remove it, repeat. She cleans off her blade and stows it, turning to the others, her mainline focus being Flavien. "Were we sat out to take a prize, we would. I do not however, imagine that we are set out to take a prize and take her home to port. I'd rather search it for smaller valuables, burn it, and move on seeing as we are out of sight of the island."

As Skapti wipes his blade off on the man he killed, and looks to Flavien. "Typically, run it with a skeleton crew, and get it to port, aye." A glance to Regla, as the Voice seems to have other ideas, however. "Burning it this close, someone may see the smoke, and that'll be an even larger warning than the sight of sail. I'd rather set some men to watch it and what crew as lives. Furl our own sails, and row on, to make shore just before first light."

"Aye," Jasher says in acknowledgment towards Skapti, then moves to their vessel to get sails furled and oars ready. The blood and bodies slicking the deck barely seemed to phase him any.

Regla exhales and taps a finger on her lower lip, "You've the right of it Captain, my apologies. Your ship, your mission." With that, Regla turns on heel and finds a place to stow herself in wait for them to make landfall.

"Aye." Falean nods his head in agreement with Skapti, glancing at Regla with a bit of confusion. "Seems you've lost your sea legs cousin." He regards her with a lofted brow before he nods his head to Skapti again. "I agree. Set a skeleton to her and we forge on ahead." With his opinion spoken he turns to look over at the ship. "Also no point in destroying a perfectly good ship. She's in good condition. Well kept by that crew."

"Couldn't fight for shit, but at least they kept a good ship," Skapti nods with Faelan, as he watches Regla walk off. Decision made, the reaver starts designating crew to take the new ship, before giving a heading to the rest.

Setting their course for the shav settlement, the rest of the trip to the island is smooth and uneventful. However, as they crew gets nearer, it would become obvious that something is? amiss, for a shav village. Indeed, the shav settlement has been overrun by pirates. There's another small pirate longship docked, but it's empty, likely due to needing a great deal of work to repair some storm damage. The town has a few small houses, plus a larger building that looks something like a barracks. A large house is in the middle of the settlement, and looks ornately decorated - anyone familiar with shav culture would know that to be the chief's house. There's one longhouse as well, presumably where the shavs would have meetings and communal meals. There's another building that has a few guards nearby, and looks important, even if it also looks like there isn't anyone inside.

The streets lack pirates, but there are a few here and there in intersections. It's perhaps possible to sneak through the streets and avoid the pirates gathering here and there. Of course, it's also perhaps possible to slaughter them all as quickly as possible.

On seeing the ship, one of the first orders Skapti gives is "Tarl, take about five good men you to that longship at the docks. This all goes to shit, I want you to burn it, so they can't chase after, even hamstrung as it is, you hear me?" Looking to the rest, "We make our way in quiet like, then make our move after. Use the ensuing confusion to our advantage." And with that, they set out!

Skapti checked dexterity + stealth at difficulty 35, rolling 7 higher.

Jasher doesn't have the finer details of approaching unobserved, but he watches Skapti to gauge when it's safe to proceed, when it's not, and what to do, mostly. It's an educational experience.

It seems Skapti has done this a time or two before, but that's perhaps not surprising. Reaving was often a somewhat stealthy past time, at least until the bloodshed and the screaming started.

Flavien kept close and his mouth shut. That had to be honestly a job skill in this sort of game, right? It was certainly in his sort of MO. Maybe the librarians or whatever had been quite strict...

There was a moment en route to the Chief's place in which they almost got caught by one of the pirates loitering around. But, Skapti leads the group sure and true to the Chief's home. There are no guards outside and none visible down the street, and since there seems to be only one door in and out, the question of getting in is a relatively simple affair.
The house has a couple of rooms, but is nothing so elaborate as anything among the nobles in the Compact. A small entrance gives way to a main room, bedrooms on either side, and on two floors. At the end of the main room is an ornately carved chair, decorated with sea glass and shells. Behind it has been tacked a flag - a gold dog on a field of black - that does not look like it belongs here. A firepit sits in the middle of the room, and on either side of it are narrow tables with a few chairs tucked in.
The other thing worth noting is that the room is not empty. Perhaps explaining the lack of guards, it seems the Pirate Chief is holding a meeting. He's a large fellow who looks like he's seen the world and killed interesting people judging by the scars and weapons on his person. There are also three others with him, wearing armour that looks like it's been pieced together over the months. At this moment, they don't seem to have noticed the quintet.

Regla seems lost in thought a few moments before finally deciding to try and gather the attention of her family and crew. "How do we want to play this?" she asks them all quietly, "I, can" pause, beat, "being the only woman.." and she turns to look at the pirates and back again. "Attempt to, well, seduce them and you can take them off guard."

Pulling back, so as to not be heard, Skapti offers "Alternatively, we could set a fire someplace in town. Perhaps even the ship. Distract them, and use the diversion to find what we need."

Flavien tilts his head slowly, looking from Regla to Skapti, then to Jasher, before going back to Regla. "That... might be... a dangerous proposition, but it isn't my place to say."

Faelan is not much for stealth, but he'll follow along behind Skapti as he leads. But he really doesn't have much head for the sneaking. He tries though. Pausing alongside the others when they get into position to see the chief's house. When Regla offers to try and seduce the men though Faelan turns to stare at her. "Okay. Who in all the hells are you and what have you done with my cousin?" He asks, his eyes narrowing as he stares at her. Seems he's... serious about the question. He doesn't seem to hear Skapti offering an alternative, he's too busy staring at his cousin.

Jasher stares flatly at Regla, his opinion of her stratagem, then looks at Skapti. "I would prefer a fire, but one of us will need to be quick and quiet enough to set a fire without drawing notice beforehand," he says quietly. "If you are capable of doing so, then we can attempt such."

Regla turns slowly and glares at Faelan, "People change Faelan, and I might not actually be up for more bloodshed at the moment. My apologies for not being as set in stone as you seem to remember me. If we can distract these idiots and take them quietly, all the better in my opinion. Seeing as you're obviously having issues with me, ya know, being me, at the moment. How is it you'd prefer I act?"

"Quiet... We don't need to be given away, arguin'," Skapti hisses. "No offense Regi, but your plan seems liable to end... Poorly." The Salt then singles out one of his crew that's perhaps a bit more quiet than the rest, and would try to send him as a messenger to fire the Pirate's ship, and get out.

"All the offense intended. But your plan is fucking stupid and liable to end with you getting raped while we try to fight our way in." Faelan hisses on the heels of Skapti's comment. "And that is not a plan you would have /ever/ suggested in the past. People change aye. People dont' become entirely new fucking people." Faelan stares at her, openly suspicious. But then he's never been a subtle sort. "I begin to wonder if it's even my cousin that stands here with us anymore." Faelan shakes his head, spitting on the ground in rather clear disgust. He looks back to Skapti, teeth clenched, just waiting for the man's word on when to move. His mission, his choice. He lowered his voice at least, in the exchange. Mostly. Kinda. He'll apologize to Skapti later. After the killing is done. Probably with a bottle of rum. Nice rum.

Skapti's crew member sneaks his way back to the dock, relaying the message to start fires. It's not immediate, but the alarm goes up from the pirates in the town. Skapti shows leadership and foresight when he has the crew head out of the building and hide where they won't be found immediately. Inside, the chief dispatches two of his three councillors to see what's going on, the fighters pounding past the hiding spot and disappearing in the direction of the docks.

After waiting for the men to run off, and counting two, well... "Only the pair of 'em, now. We make our move, and we do it fast. If we can keep the head alive to answer some questions later, fantastic. If not, well... We make do."

Flavien nods his head, fixing on that as he gets out that ridiculous weapon once again.

Jasher turns that flat, disapproving look towards Faelan at the words. He then turns towards Skapti, listening, and nods. "I will charge," he says. "Perhaps they will recognize a son of Thrax. Perhaps not. But they will either be fearful or reckless, both you can use to your advantage."

And so Skapti lets Jasher lead the way this time, happy to have a Royal meatsh--vanguard between himself and their foes!

The arrival of the group brings the Pirate Chief and Councillor to their feet, each of them drawing their steel swords. "Clever," the Chief comments with a smile, his blue eyes scanning the group. "So, what do we do now? I assume you have some compelling speech to make that will move me to give up, and throw myself on your tender mercy?" He turns his back, moving his armour a little and says, "I've already experienced the tender mercy of Thrax." His skin is a roadmap of scarred flesh - whip scourges and even a few old burns. Turning back to face them, he folds thick arms across his chest and lifts his chin with a haughty smile. "So..." there's a dangerous look in the Chief's eyes, "what could you /possibly/ say to me that will keep me from spilling your insides all over your outsides?"

"Not really, no," Skapti remarks, about the compelling speech. "Figure we might as well just get to it, aye?" lifting his sword, and then moving forwards.

Flavien nodded and took that as a sort of directive for his own action. Talker? No. He was an order taker. But Jasher had charged first so he was waiting in the wings and on Skapti's orders should the prince not quite pull off the kneel moments.

Regla checked charm + intimidation at difficulty 15, rolling 12 higher.

Regla checked charm + intimidation at difficulty 40, rolling 10 higher.

Faelan snorts at the Chief's comments, and his hand simply slides his blade free once again with the soft whisper of steel leaving leather. The blond warrior straightens up and holds his blade at the ready, glancing over to Skapti and the others, waiting to see what happens. He's ready to spill blood. He'll spare no grief for dead pirates. But if the others want to talk their way through it he'll abide by that as well. He's along for the ride so to speak.

"Speech?" Regla spits as she steps forward slowly removing Shellbreaker from it's home, "There's no speech here. There's no conversation. There's no part of this, where it goes the way you think it's going to go." Another step forward, "It simply goes the direction of you surrendering, or not. That's it. That's how this goes. You, bend the knee, now, because I am tired of death and bloodshed for needless reasons." She pauses again to look around the room then back to the Chief, "I am, tired of death, I am now however adverse to it entirely and as the Sword of Escuma, I will cut you down where you stand if you see fit to test me. I've not the patience left in me to deal with the bluster and braggadocio of fools, drunkards, or chest beating men." One last step, "So. Your call."

Turo GM Roll checked command(4) + intimidation(3) at difficulty 35, rolling 2 higher.

The two pirates listen to what Regla has to say, but it doesn't look like it's hard much effect on the Chief by looking at him. His posture hasn't changed much, and he doesn't have a reply. The Councillor, though, looks like he might have heard the threat in Regla's words, his brow creasing. There's a furtive, sidelong look given to the Chief and he says, "Captain..."
The Pirate Chief scowls darkly at the Councillor, his expression one of disgust. "Idiot," he says, "do you intend to go back? Not me. Not even with this kinder, gentler Victus. Golden Hounds don't cower like shavs."
The Chief's words don't bolster the Councillor's will too much, but he seems at least shamed enough that he ducks his head, eyes looking to the floor. "I am Captain Thule," the Chief of Pirates says, "And I will be dead before I surrender." And so, battle is joined.

"Skapti Thrallson, Captain of the Leatherback of House Navegant," Skapti states. "Now let's get stuck in, aye?" And so battle is joined again.

Skapti checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 31 higher.

"I, am Relga Navegant. Sword. Voice. Templar. Daughter and Sister." Since we're going all formal here. Then a step forward with a lunge straight to the captains sternum, this will be over quickly if she has anything to say about it.

Flavien checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 3 lower.

Flavien didn't have a name that would matter, and words that would matter even less when it came down to it. This moment wasn't about that for him. His intent fell down to the mace and what he went for with the clobbering. Sweet, simple, to the point. There's no real fire in the swing at the councilor, who seemed just trapped in his position as much as everything else, and perhaps that's why it failed.

Regla checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 11 higher.

Jasher tilts his head. Instead of joining Faelan, Regla, and Skapti against the chief, he moves to support Flavien, his own sword at the ready. It should be noted, though, that in stark contrast with the cold butchery at the ship, he seems to be...holding back. Deliberately withholding blows on openings, occasionally tempering a swing to bruise rather than bleed, all to drive the councillor back and away from the chief, from the line of fire.

Jasher checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 16 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dex(3) + dodge(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 13 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dex(3) + dodge(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 7 higher.

Faelan checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 15 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dex(4) + dodge(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 11 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dex(4) + dodge(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 28 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dex(4) + dodge(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 30 higher.

Jasher and Flavien move the Councillor away from Thule, and even if Flavien's attack doesn't amount to anything at all, Jasher's manages a sneaky strike to the Councillor's knee, giving the pirate a bit of a limp. Perhaps realising this is not playing around, the Councillor growls and slashes at Flavien's mace-arm.
"I always like to know the names of the people I kill," Thule growls, and works to parry, dodge, or block the attacks from Skapti, Regla, and Faelan. And Thule knows what he's doing, managing to utterly aviod Regla and Faelan's attacks. Unfortunately for him, Skapti's lands hard, and rakes a vicious wound across the already marred back of the Pirate Chief. Bellowing a roar, he whirls and brings his sword to bear, aiming a wild-eyed slash at Skapti's head.

Turo GM Roll checked str(3) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 27 higher.

Flavien checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 78 higher. Flavien rolled a critical!

Turo GM Roll checked str(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 9 higher.

Flavien checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 15, rolling 48 higher.

Flavien checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 49 higher. Flavien rolled a critical!

Skapti checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 80 higher. Skapti rolled a critical!

Skapti checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 11 higher.

The Councillor's attack was ill-advised, it seems, as the Laurent lord is ready for him. Not just ready, but presciently so, it seems. Flavien didn't just dodge that attack, but he struck a counterattack so severe not even armour could protect the pirate. The Councillor crumples, very very dead.
Thule roars in frustrated rage as Skapti is no longer where he should have been, and his sword passes harmlessly through the air. This opens him up for a quick strike from the Salt, the attack opening up a minor wound on his off-hand bicep. That doesn't make Thule happy at all. And when he sees his dead councillor, he spits on the ground, breath heaving. "Come on then!" he yells.

As Skapti ducks out of the way, and slices the man's arm, he moves in close, battering the captain some with the D-guard of his blade. Looking to surround Thule in concert with the two Navegant nobles. Now that battle's joined, he doesn't seem to really care for talking, though.

Skapti checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 23 higher.

Regla checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 32 higher.

Faelan checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 25 higher.

Regla's face goes blank, the emotion draining out of her soft features as she squares off against this man. She may, just may, be getting a tad bit reckless and angry. There is nothing else to be said here, and so, he gets the FULL attention of Gloria's Chosen.

Flavien probably didn't intend to react quite the way he had. It had been a day. A day full of people trying to kill him. So when Flavien stepped back from the blow and brought the mace up and then down with a sickening crunch, he turned then towards the captain with it as if to say 'you're next'. But he kept his eye instead then towards the door as if expecting the reinforcements already.

Jasher lifts an eyebrow as he watches Flavien's flail at work, and he glances back towards the fight between the pirate chief and the Navegants (and Skapti). But like the Laurent, his gaze is also towards the door, straining to listen for the telltale approach of reinforcements.

Faelan is all focus during the fight moving with the group, attacking and feinting, looking for opportunities. Pressing the attack when he can, giving others space to engage when need be. He's dead silent this time, unlike with the captain, the chief gets his complete focus.

The only sounds from outside are an increased amount of panic and concern, footfalls pounding along the dirt streets, and calls for more water. It would appear that Skapti's diversion has taken on something of a life of its own now.

Turo GM Roll checked dex(4) + dodge(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 8 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dex(4) + dodge(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 10 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked dex(4) + dodge(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 23 higher.

Everyone does their part, the Navegants slashing and jabbing at Thule. Faelan harries him with a nick, turning him enough that Skapti's cutlass finds purchase in his other side. And in the ensuing fury, Regla's Shellbreaker sinks deep into his thigh. The Pirate Chief is in dire straits now. He lumbers about like a half-blind animal, waving his sword wildly, trying to slash someone - anyone.

Turo GM Roll checked str(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 22 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 10 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 17 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 14 higher.

Turo GM Roll checked str(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 23 higher.

Regla checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 33 higher.

Flavien checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 7 higher.

Skapti checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 125 higher. Skapti rolled a critical!

Skapti checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 40 higher.

Jasher checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 40 higher.

Thule hits no one, save for a glancing blow off of Flavien's greave that barely marks the surface. And the pirate's movements are so slow that when he tries to attack Skapti, he's basically a dead man already - the Salt lands a counter that sinks his cutlass deep into Thule's neck, spraying blood like a fountain and leaving a very dead Pirate chief on the ground. So endeth the rise of Captain Thule of the Golden Hounds.

Faelan checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 10 lower.

Jasher watches as the pirate chief finally falls, his head tilted to listen outside. "We don't have much time," he warns. "It seems the fire has gotten out of control. We will need to split up if you wish to search and still be able to return."

A short nod from Skapti, and he motions to split up indeed. They'll all make their way back to the Leatherback while the pirates are still dealing with the chaos!

Flavien nods his head and darts into his chosen room -2nd to the right, to quickly rifle through before heading back out. Living on a pirate island is not on his life goals list.

Faelan cleans his blade of blood before putting it back in it's sheath. He takes a quick look around before he looks towards the rest of the group, nodding agreement with Jasher's plan and slips off with one of the groups.

A search of the bedrooms doesn't reveal too much loot. A few small lockboxes - each easily carried by one person - are discovered in the rooms. They look strong and secure and best opened when there isn't an inferno threatening to engulf them. But they make it back to the stolen pirate ship, and head out into the open water, bound for home, at last. With all the rum a group could drink, too.

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