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Dream Trees and Stars

After traveling to the Saffron, a group enters a dream state and hears from spirits about doing what is necessary to keep the great Blood Spirit, Kal'kul'raja, asleep under the saffron.

Some time after returning from the Saffron Chain, the five gather in Spirit Walkers Hall to discuss their experiences there. The non-shamans among them - Calla and Raven - have a chance to ask questions, and learn more of the spirits in light of what is expected from them, but all agree: The instructions have the sound of a ritual to them, one that will require a great deal of soul searching before any steps forward can be made, whether that be journaling, meditation, or any other activity that centers them and encourages self-reflection.

A season has passed since the pilgrimage to the Saffron Chain, and the five who embarked on it have had time for soul-searching and self-reflection, and the non-shamans have had time to learn more of the spirits. Alongside meditation and prayer, they've begun to work on piecing together any specific ritual that might be required to plant the dreamseed, though with an emphasis on seeking the wisdom of the spirits in the hopes that they might guide them down the proper course to do this thing properly, and fulfill the promises made to keep Kal'kul'raja sleeping.

A vision of dreams.