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Retainer Rules

For the animals you can describe your retainers/mounts/pets as: We aren't interested in clearing every single animal retainer, but we also try to maintain some consistency in the world, so we would appreciate it if you keep the animal retainers you create to animals you'd find in North America/Europe, and nothing from desert or jungle climes, as those just aren't readily available. Also, do not create an animal retainer of a very wild/dangerous animal. No, you probably didn't train a bear or a wolverine or wolf to be tame enough to be safe around other humans (or you, reliably). If an animal is created that's jarring or doesn't fit, we may ask the controller to change the name/desc, or we will change it and notify.

For human retainers, it is not permitted to have a human retainer from Eurus or Cardia, or to have a human retainer that is underage. All characters and puppets must be 18+.