Megara Corsetina
Darkness longs for revelation. You just need to listen to it.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: The Corsetina Outsider
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/06
Religion: pantheon
Vocation: Soldier
Height: average height
Hair Color: black and gold
Eye Color: emerald green
Skintone: olive
Description: Megara is a slender woman whose feminine grace does not easily translate into the predatory or sensuous gait of other Corsetina. The woman is subdued, sticking to the corners instead of taking centerstage, despite looks that might be described as fetching, even if exagerated. The young Corsetina has thick lips, a distinct nose and wide, vividly green eyes that are anything if not remarkable. Although her hair is midnight black like other Corsetinas' hers is highlighted by streaks of gold that mix with the dark locks that fall past her shoulders.
Personality: Megara smiles with ease though the contents of that expression are seldom easy to glean, as the woman is effortlessly subtle and incredibly smart. Vivid eyes are as part of any conversation as the words she speaks, communicating in silent ways what she thinks of a certain subject. Although not exactly humble, Megara understands there is much she doesn't know, and is likely to listen to critique and new information, filing away knowledge gained in the privacy of her own head. She is inquisitive, loves asking questions, but seems to get a kick out of being an enigma. She makes anyone work for it when they want to learn about her, but never makes an interaction dull. Boring is a mantle only the mediocre wear with pride, after all, and the young woman is a Corsetina in the end of the day: silent and ruthless when she needs to be, and mysteriously inviting when she chooses to.
Background: Megara never knew her parents. She grew up in the famed pirate-town of Port Defiance, an Abandoned stronghold just beyond the control of the Compact. It was a chaotic place ill suited to a child, a brutal place to live, with a harsh order kept by the iron fist of the pirate king known as the Gyre in Megara's youth. She knew that her parents had placed her in the care of one of the pirate factions serving the Gyre, a cult-like crime syndicate known as the Sisterhood of the Sightless, famed archers who were rumored to see targets just as well in the dark as day, but Megara just knew her family as stern, humorless disciplinarians who constantly took mercenary or assassination work in endless pirate feuds when she was young, and kept busy mending armor and fletching arrows as a child.
It never was a question that Megara was going to serve in the sisterhood as she came of age, demonstrating an exceptional talent for the bow that inspired envy in no few of her adopted sisters. As the Gyre fell and was replaced by the rule of Reveka Tyde, the Sisterhood became all the more in demand in Port Defiance's internecine strife that followed, and Megara found herself working more and more in the shadows, becoming a hardened young woman.
It was a mission to Arvum that convinced her to break from the Sisterhood, and to turn from being an Abandoned and bend the knee to the Compact. While she's spoken little about the events of the mission, she has since discovered blood ties to the Corsetina family, and the now prodigal killer is back in Arx, attempting to do right by her new family and adopt to a new life. She's taken steps- becoming a mirrormask, becoming involved in the family business of the Corsetinas, but the woman still hasn't escaped her past.
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