Lord Arik Halfshav
He who still draws breath remains yet undefeated.

Description: A tall frame and muscular build conspire to make this man seem even more massive than he truly is. Broad shoulders, a square jaw, and an imposing presence lend him the air of a warrior from tales sung in the icy North, and indeed the scars on his calloused hands tell tales of their own. His features would be easy to describe as ruggedly handsome, were he ever to shave the formidable beard that covers the lower half of his face. Still, there is no hiding the glint of confident, casual violence in his pale gray eyes, nor the subtle, nigh-perpetual smirk that promises the same.
Personality: While perfectly capable of interacting with southern nobles in a manner that doesn't inspire unspoken dread, Arik doesn't often bother. A warrior through and through, his is a life ruled by the sword, and it shines through in his every action, whether it be his sharp wit, piercing gaze, or willingness to thrust himself into glorious battle. The broad side of the sword has its uses however, and in Arik this can be seen through his blunt honesty and sometimes narrow-minded disdain for things that don't fit into a worldview honed by ice and stone.
Background: To hear his father tell it, Arik was born in the coldest hour of the coldest night of the year, the temperature so low that the boy came into the world coated in ice that never melted from his gray eyes. An unlikely tale, but it can certainly be said that Arik was built for the rugged cold of the North.
A born warrior, Arik led men into battle against tribes of Abandoned as young as 14 years of age, collecting victories the way some boys collected bruises, and he certainly collected his fair share of those. No tactical genius, his talents rested more squarely in the realm of physical combat, his unrelenting determination driving him forward against crushing odds.
This proficiency at head to head combat earned him the respect of warriors that came before him, and so it was that Arik was named Sword of Whitehold, the heirloom weapon passed down from father to son, an unorthadox move as the title is generally not hereditary. Champion of his family name, Arik wields the sword against those Abandoned tribes cultured enough to respect the rite of duel to settle conflict.
Oft-victorious, still this appointment did not come without its trials. Arik has long-suspected that his uncle, the Duke of Whitehold, doubts his accomplishments are truly worthy of the title of Champion. Seeking to prove himself, Arik found himself in a duel against a knight whose fealty was sworn to Valardin, and after much boasting and blustering, the long and horrifically fought bout was called in a draw. After the bout, and after seeing the other fighter and realizing she was both younger than him and not as physically strong as him but significantly more trained, he realized he had to refocus his efforts to be the best warrior he could be. He has since headed to Arx, allegedly to seek refinement in his craft to complement the brute strength he already wields for the glorious honor of Whitehold.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aahana | An intriguing Lord. I am sure I could learn much from him should I happen a chance to cross paths again. |
Agatha | A bit more measured upon his return to the city. Maybe having that new Oathlander in-law is rubbing off on him. |
Ahmar | He offered me kind words after my sister passed. Seems a good man so far. |
Alarissa | An interesting man. |
Alayne | A tall, shav Lord with a gorgeously-put beard. Slim, slender, willowy- what is there not to like about him? His singing, apparently. |
Alessandro | Quite as fierce as I remember him, which is likely a good thing. |
Alexis | Lord Arik Halfshav, Sword of Whitehall. Managed to get through the Gauntlet on the first go. Apparently likes soft girls with grit, which sounds like a contradiction in terms. |
Amari | I don't think he believed my cabbage story, but he seems alright otherwise. A very competent Sword, I imagine. |
Anisha | It is always special to meet someone so clearly in their element, triumphant. And whatever else the drinking contest did to him, he was a an able and rightfully proud winner! |
Ann | You know those men you meet for about 3 seconds and they leave a lasting impression that leaves you chuckling for days? Arik. |
Arcelia | A true Northern charmer! Perhaps I will see him again soon. |
Ariella | Sword of Whitehold for a reason. Ow. |
Arman | His ability to articulate his thoughts clearly and concisely is appreciated and he does not seem one to mince or waste words. |
Arthen | That's one dangerous man. You can see it in his eyes. Darren seems to trust him though, and I trust Darren. Other than that, seems like a northerner, to me. A lot of hair, a lot of rumbling, keeps his weapon close. There's comfort in the familiar. |
Astraea | He's well ahead of his time. Mature and respectful, level headed and he's kindly. I'm flattered by his praise and for the chance to meet him. |
Barik | From the aesthetics to his lexicon, I find Lord Arik to be a standing contradiction. He holds himself with a charming sway of words and self-confidence I'd equip a Grayson with, yet he looks nothing like one. Where has he been? For how long? |
Barric | A fellow Sword whom I know to be quite good with the blade. Apparently likes to drink a fair bit as he forgot us meeting! Amusing, but I would forget me too if I were a man. Unless I was a man who... nevermind. |
Berenice | One of the not Velenosa cousins of House Halfshav. Knows which end of the sword is the pointy one. |
Bethany | I'm afraid tact is not his forte. |
Bliss | Lord Arik Halfshav is perhaps best referred to as Lord Arik Threequartersshav. But that is not exactly to his detriment - he stands above some of his other cousins in a simple way: he always seeks to learn and fill in the gaps of what he doesn't know. I've seen this for a while now. A man who asks questions is perhaps the most dangerous kind of man. |
Braith | It feels like everything we had worked on fell to the wayside only to be quickly picked back up again and dusted off. He's a good sort with a sense of humor I can get behind. Life can be far too serious at times and it is good to know that even though with far more responsibility than I have know how to remember that. |
Caith | Does love at first sight exist? Or, well, love at first sound? Because he misspoke in the most glorious way and it filled my soul with a joy that cannot possibility be described. It will warm my heart until my dying day. |
Catriona | Quiet, polite, with a sense of humour poking through. Though how he acts when fully awake, I don't know. Maybe I'll find out. |
Cirroch | A hard worker with ambition! Those are good qualities to have. I'm glad he is interested in the success of both is own house and his house's vassals. |
Clara | It is always nice ta meet someone when they aren't sober. Lets ya get ta know a bit more about them than they usually wantcha ta know. |
Cleo | He is shy for a northerner. I think he has forgotten how to not be a Lord. How to simply say what he wishes. He stares and appraises, but does not speak. Is shame. Must be good Lord though. |
Coraline | He seems so quiet but mellow, I bet he would be great to spar with! |
Cullen | Thank the gods and spirits, a Sword who doesn't feel like he needs to puff out his chest and let his weapon define him while making reference to it constantly. Seems a rather good natured person, like most Northerners I've met, although I suspect he'd be quite the foe on the field of battle. |
Cullen | A more relaxed kind of Sword - takes House and duty seriously, but doesn't take offense at every little thing like far too many, plus he knows the value of vigilance |
Cybele | Lord Arik Halfshav. He scared Cleo. I was prepared to be very angry at him. But he is more measured. Perhaps that was out of respect for me. Perhaps that is how he truly is. Regardless, I did not have to yell. I do not dislike him. I think he will be a good Lord Halfshav, at Lady Khanne's side. |
Darren | The Sword of Whitehold is a bold man who doesn't stand on ceremony. I like that. It shows a boldness of character that we need all too much in times such as these. |
Delilah | Though his opinions may be stern and sharp, I hold him in the highest regard. He challenges what I think, dares to question what lies around him, and suffers no fools. But he puts up with me, so that's saying something good about him. |
Domonico | Apparently a fine warrior. Slightly disrespectful to the Lyceum but not enough to warrant action. |
Draven | He told me about a surgery to remove eyeballs! I'll have to ask the Shamans about it when I get the chance. |
Duarte | A fun loving man who enjoys gambling! I should say we'll likely get along well. |
Echo | Calm, cool, and collected. There's an elegance behind the madness -- Behind whatever calamity lies beneath. |
Eurion | A mix of efficiency and generosity with a no-nonsense attitude. I am impressed and humbled! |
Evander | The Lord Halfshav with honest and forthright with his views an information, a stance I greatly appreciate. He even offered to open some of his personal notes to me, a fact of which I'm immensely grateful and sure to take up soon. |
Evaristo | Drinks his whiskey right out of the bottle, he seems like he is a wild but tempered man whom I would not want to get on my wrong side. Not that I am worried, I never get on people's wrong side! |
Fairen | A scandal like Isabetta. Except, presumably male. The two could be a dangerous combination. |
Fiora | Better him prancing around in a leather dress than me. |
Gareth | Either caught in a failure or a revelation, his initial reaction was to retreat. A good enough strategy. |
Gianna | A man more interested in what is real than what is pretty. |
Gwenna | Lord Arik Halfshav seems a man of intelligence, few words, and action. Why talk about doing something when you can just go out and do it? A credit to his House and both a friend and exceptional ally to House Redrain. |
Halla | I suspect it'll be much harder for him to shove me into the mud, now that I've grown. But I imagine he'll still try. |
Helena | He croaked at me. He croaked about knights and the King and some scholars. He smells like whiskey too. |
Ian | Pretty sure he's not really going to marry Countess Darkwater's daughter. |
Iseulet | Northern charm incarnate. Proving to be quite a capable leader and ambitious with an obvious love of his family. Everything you look for in a lord. |
Jasher | Warlike and witty. Somebody to respect, given time and a fight. |
Jeffeth | Lord Arik has come back! And is leaving again? He seems to be the same friendly sort, it is good to see him agan. |
Joscelin | Why do Northerners need to be so tall? Intriguing, sprawls like he owns the place but speaks like there's room enough for everyone. I can appreciate that. Also he has interesting taste in liquor. |
Josephine | I admire a northerner who can manage to stand in my forge in the heat of summer, and not strike his head on the floor. |
Kaldur | By all appearances, a man not to be trifled with. One to watch and closely. |
Kenna | I am not at all sure how smart he is. Tensions are running high and he chooses to insult someone speaking so impassioned for the sake of her family???? |
Kutazer | Curious and a little prickly but he seems like a good sort and I look forward to learning more about him and his homelands. |
Lianne | A better warrior than singer. Thank all the gods for that. |
Lilith | A fine example of a 'northern boy'. Offers tips freely on how best to fit in at The Spirits - something I could use, I suppose. Not that I'm afraid to stand out. |
Lore | I like him, but I don't know WHY. Just something about him... UGH. Damned illogically likeable Northern people. |
Lorenzo | A cousin on my mother's side. Perhaps I've been remiss in not getting to know him better before now. He certainly seems well-connected and intent on his job. |
Lottie | He's got a swagger about him and lacks some of the 'serious business' I've seen in most at least in a social capacity. I mean, I'm sure he's capable with whatever it is silks generally do so being a bit less formal is nice. I like him! |
Lou | He's very diligent in getting down to the bottom of something, especially if he thinks it might do harm to his people in some manner. That's a trait to be admired. |
Luis | An interesting Sword, though he has attracted a certain sort of attention that causes me to have to be extra attentive to his actions. Hopefully this means that the future will hold some extra pleasant moments, though it could all take a terrible turn. |
Mabelle | Very entertaining and kind man. Knows his seasons. Knows his Whiskey. |
Maja | He sings SO WELL. And by so well, I mean utterly awful. But his singing possesses such joy behind it that it is hard not to get swept up in the fun. Plus? He drinks straight from the bottle. I feel like this is a nobleman whom I could easily spend time with and not regret a moment. |
Marian | He's loyal and true to his family. It's something I've always admired about Khanne's brother. I do hope that he'll be staying longer this time in Arx. He's a good ally to have in this city. |
Melody | He's got abandoned blood and he's down to earth. You can read that from a mile away... Just gotta' keep the pointy-ear talk down when around him. |
Mercedes | He has opinions about my life choices. He is wrong about them but if I went around fighting with everyone who had a negative opinion of the path I chose, I'd get nothing done. I will worry about the people I care for, not random men in bars. |
Mikani | A good man always has alcohol. A great man has good alcohol. And a Sword to boot. |
Miranda | His is a mischievous spirit which I admire. |
Mirk | Very dynamic. Talkative and a little competitive, but genuine with his friends and knows how to make family feel at home. |
Morrighan | Doesn't seem so scared of me now, but I'm not hauling all of my weapons out in plain sight, either. It's good to see another representative of Halfshav about, perhaps I'll run into him again. |
Niklas | The picture of a Northerner. Always good for a bottle of whisky. |
Nuala | I thought the man like to a wolverine until he brought forth his great northern codpiece, heavily jeweled and glorious, and realized that for his great rack he is closer to a red elk: showy, dangerous when riled, and a sight to behold. Larger than life, and life in the north is large indeed. |
Orathy | Lucky son of a Halfshav shit!! Me casino won't be lastin long with the likes of him cleanin me out! Reckon it were a good fuckin hand though, be impressed by it. Be wonderin if he be counting cards. Ack, it were luck. Good to be seein 'em enjoyin the cards though. |
Petal | He is as a sword and sword of the north. He is probably badass, but he has point out, being a sword is more and deeper than that. |
Raimon | That is a very red beard |
Reese | A large northman who is very into the woods. |
Riagnon | Arik Whisper has the voice of a fallen angel. Beautiful and horrible. |
Richard | Lord Arik seems like a good man. Though his idea for river jousting would require several tweaks before it can be used correctly. Mainly it is more difficult to adjust on the fly: something our brains are able to do almost instantly during that moment of impact, so fast is such a reaction that it is similar to a blink. But perhaps one day it can be done. |
Rosalie | When we met, I'd initially considered him as a possible suitor. Within three minutes we'd decided that we'd never work as a couple and ever since then he's been a wonderful friend! I am glad to know him, its nice to meet someone that values me for my mind first. One of these days I'm going to get him to let me play with his hair. One day! |
Rowenova | Lord Arik Halfshav (Sword of Whitehold and War Minister of Whitehold as well as Voice of Redrain) is... the THE MAN!%RHe is the BOSS man!%RYears ago (when in Whitehold), the Spirits told me that he would -- one day -- need a hard worker: just like me!%RWorking for him is fun!%RI would write more, but I do not want to sound too emo.%RI also want to give him a hard time, but he has enough stress in his noble life, so...%RI guess I will just leave this just like it is! |
Rysen | A warrior of great skill and keen intellect, whose mind is as sharp as his sword. |
Sabella | He is certainly very passionate about singing his tavern songs! And they are...his voice is...extremely memorable! |
Salena | Voice of Redrain. He was quick to make me aware of a trouble and that I could be of assistance to the House. I will readily admit I can't balk at the chance to serve under a proper banner - and one with some frostbite to it, at that. |
Sanya | He seems like a pleasant man, was easy to talk in the little time I spent with him. |
Sasha | A long time friend and now my protege. I know great things are to come with his guidance |
Sasha | As enchantingly Arik as always. He keeps me on my toes and never misses a beat. I look forward to tackling our projects together. |
Selene | The man is a conundrum. His political acumen would devastate lesser courtiers in the city, and his grasp on current affairs is far from someone lost to the backwoods. If any kind of furious demon bear ran through the city, I'd stand behind him first. We could no doubt make an interesting discussion out of it. |
Shae | Fucking horrible singer. But overall, a nice fellow. I think. He talks a lot and it's hard to see him around his very large open mouth. |
Sigurd | Lost a drinking contest to a southerner... oh the shame. |
Thesarin | Seems like he's trying, always, to cut at the heart of things. |
Thorvald | Here is the man I expected. He owns the dignity and duty of his position, the way a man should do, especially a noble man. This man has much to teach me, about leading men, about fighting. About the true ways of the world. I am eager to learn it all and use the lesson to serve with honor and distinction. |
Tynan | Lord Arik is a man that seems to view words as the enemy, with a hint of disdain as to each one that leaves his lips. Still, it belies what seems to be a keen intellect and a practical outlook on life. In the end, results matter, and I have a feeling the Lord is used to getting them. |
Valarian | Interesting...a Sword whose first action wasn't to take offense at something or get all annoyed about a bit of ridiculousness. Northern sensibilities, I like 'em. Seems like the sort you could get really fucking drunk with. |
Venturo | Khanne's brother, the love of whiskey seems to run deep in the Halfshav bloodline. A potential patron, I'm always happy to see more northerners favor the Raconteur. |
Vercyn | Sword of Whitehold, my nephew. You are here to defend the honor of House Halfshav - and I will see you succeed in that role. |
Vercyn | Arik and Khanne both are like children to me. And it would be remiss if I did not push Arik to be the best he can be. He does well. He could do better. And he will be great. |
Veronica | The Sword of Whitehold is one of the more... serious Swords I have recently crossed paths with. I actually like that; far too many Swords seem to be of the flighty and flirty sort, it's a bit unbecoming. |
Violet | I adore this Halfshav lord. He helped me remember my old Halfshav teachings. And, you know, is always buying me a drink. So that's a plus too. |
Vitalis | The man my father sacrificed himself for. If their souls were not linked before, they surely are now. |
Willow | I love his eyes, but get the feeling he isn't terribly fond of me. Shame, as I am very fond of him. |