Lord Riagnon Acheron
There are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them.

Description: Riagnon's black hair is cropped short, suggesting a general lack of any particular vanity. With a dappling of freckles crossing the bridge of his nose, his facial features carry with them a lingering boyishness. Physically, Riagnon is more sinewy than bulk... and noble though he may be, it ought to be clear that he is accustomed to hard work and harsh terrain.
Personality: Riagnon's propensity for gawkish acts of unintentional slapstick-sabotage knows no bounds, often involving a gangly elbow or the ill-placed toe of his boot. In life, he moves like a yet unbroken colt, unable to regulate his pace. There are days when his betters are surprised that he can even manage to stand on his own and others when he bolts forward into action, burning quickly and bright.
Background: The youngest son of Lord Rognan Nightgold, Riagnon was predominantly brought up as a ward of Farhaven as many children of esteemed vassals sometimes are. He served as page and later, he learned to fight and hunt in the untamed northern wilderness as squire to the famed Princess Agatha. His presence in Arx, and the subsequent swearing of fealty to his sister and House Acheron, came on the heels of a freshly annulled and shockingly short-lived marriage -- a failed attempt to draw a particularly unfriendly Abandoned chieftain with significant military resources into bending the knee to House Nightgold.
Humbled and with his tail between his legs, Riagnon yielded to She Who Knows Best. He agreed to bolster the numbers of his sister's new march and eventually came to serve as her Sword. When he was arranged to be married again, this time to a Crownlands merchant, it was so House Acheron might utilize Lady Kenna's valuable familial connections to assist their steep economic ambitions.
It was later Riagnon's new spouse who ultimately succeeded in treating with the Abandoned from his past, winning their affection not for House Nightgold but for House Acheron, and putting to a close that embarrassing chapter of Rignon's personal history.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aella | He's my new best friend. |
Aethan | Sent Octavia a cake. I should get to know him better. |
Agatha | Oh little Ragdoll. My squire's gone and gotten himself knighted. I'm so proud. Even if his voice still hasn't finished dropping. |
Alessandro | Apparently no love lost for my cousin Mydas, but does think up interesting nicknames, so I am inclined to like him. |
Arcadia | A kind soul, one who went out of his way to help me. His advice is golden. |
Artur | I've known Riagnon since we were kids together, running round the woods near Farhaven. He was Agatha's squire for a long time. I ran into him again recently and he grew up a lot, though he's still as adorably goofy as ever! |
Austen | A most cheerful young man, and a credit to the Iron Guard. I am sure he will be a full Guardsman in no time. He has excellent aim. |
Berenice | He seems to have some issues with coordination, poor thing. |
Bliss | Hmmm. So far I'm seeing all talk and no game. I wonder what this Lord would be like outside of a crowd - but at least he's not shy about making bold statements. |
Casimir | Rather like the Keaton pups, except not totally awful. Loud and sort of harmless but he doesn't look as likely to trip over his feet and ears and so forth. Also he seems to drool less. Probably? |
Donato | I suspect this person is some manner of Shav, as he used words I didn't understand. Also, he knocked things over, which clearly shows a desire to wreck civilization. Or just to wreck things, which I condone. |
Eddard | An interesting man. Iron guard, so if someone steals my sweetroll I know who to ask for. Doesn't...seem too good at. Existing? But an entertaining man to watch. |
Eleanor | He is the sweetest thing. How he and Rhea could be related is beyond me, but I am quite fond of him. Anyone who bruises his sweet soul will have to answer to me. |
Elora | Anxious, higher energy than I expected, maybe? But then it all rather is. Earnest, and that's important. I can work with that. |
Enri | Quite jovial, he seems to know how to enjoy his freedom brought by his young age, I should ask him for some recommendations on what to do in the city. |
Evonleigh | My brother-in-law -- a wordsmith it seems, and quite fond of turtles. I suppose there are worse things in life. |
Gianna | A plucky youth who enjoys a good song. |
Gwenna | Lord Riagnon still has that cheerful gleam in his eye that I remember from our brief encounters as children. Grown now and the Sword of House Acheron, he's already achieved quite a bit in his short time here in the city. Despite the years that have passed and the responsibilities we've taken on since, sitting quietly and sharing some cider is almost like being right back in Farhaven as kids. He remains the warm and affable person I remember and I look forward to crossing paths more often now that he's in Arx. |
Icelyn | Is he ever not either sleeping or just waking up? Nevertheless, he is the House Sword, even if he does have a strange fondness for not killing bears. |
Jasher | A lively joker. Reminds me of a friend of mine. Time will tell if he is as intelligent. |
Jeffeth | He seems like a funny little fellow. He squired for Agatha and seems to be a cheery sort. I think I like him! |
Jyri | A fighter acrobat - that was an amazing impressive move! |
Kastelon | Though great youth remains, he has the determination and understated passion of a lord who accomplishes tasks without concern for his own acclaim. He is a noble and driven man. |
Kenna | I might be in love. Mostly because he was Agatha's squire, but also, because he's awesome in EVERY WAY. |
Khanne | No idea how long he's been in town... but I am glad to have met him at the bonfire! Something about his demeanor... I think, perhaps, I met a new friend tonight. And his puppy facepaint was adorable! Did you see it? Almost as cute as GusGus. |
Kritr | Lordling of Acheron, unafraid to fail. That's a special kind of fearless. Because it means that one day he's going to stop failing and he'll have a lot of experience to bring to bear. |
Lorenzo | A fascinating young man who has a rather intense obsession with turtles. Honestly, the more I talk to him, the more I realize how much there is to learn about the creatures. |
Lys | Oh my god those freckles! He's _so cute_! |
Marian | He carries a lot of weight on his shoulders; however, it's good to see that he hasn't lost his sense of humor. It's good to see such a young man serious about serving his house. |
Marisol | A lord who loves rainbows and color! I have learned that even in awkward situations the Lord is one to rise to the occasion. A conversation never lost! Well done. |
Matteo | A man after my own heart but better: brave and capable enough to survive wolves and bears. |
Mirk | A strange child, who seems much younger than his years, at times. But some of the things he says give me pause, and seem less child-like. A strange one, for sure, but interesting. |
Monique | Doombringer. Well, which is it? Nightgold or Acheron? He seems like a man of many different potentials, and I'd like to explore those avenues. |
Nurie | Such a sweet knight! He was so charming to talk to in the butterfly gardens. Though he is quite different from most of the warriors I have met, I know better than to underestimate him. |
Orathy | Ain't a bad prancer. |
Reese | Likes turtles, wants a pet bear and doesn't want pet canines. He seems like a decent guy, wonder if he has a hard protective shell like turtles, but he doesn't seem withdrawn. |
Rhea | If not for my dear brother's presence and support, I would not have found my bearings as Marquessa quite so quickly. Now he serves as the bearer of Earthstriker, bearfaced unlike many Northern swords but no less of a bearzerker for it. I assume, anyway! I've never seen him in combat but I am absolutely certain he is beyond bearable, and well beyond embearissing our House. Our forebearers would be very proud.%r%rOkay, that's out of my system. |
Rhue | Kenna's lord husband, he seems an amiable man. He received a crossbow bolt to the arm whilst help Lady Kenna when she was in harm's way. I approve heartily of his willingness to jump into the fray and assist her! Everyone ought to have someone willing to do the same for them. |
River | He dresses well, I do wish to know what exactly he means to Jeffith though and why...all the strangeness. Still he seems polite if a bit oblivious of social environments? Maybve I am wrong. Who knows. |
Rysen | A true Northlands lord with a sense of warmth about him and a superb sense of style. |
Sabella | He seems like a very kind, friendly young man who is throwing himself into Iron Guard patrolling! I think we will become very good friends! |
Shard | Well, he's...cheerful? And clumsy. I'd prefer he didn't die. |
Sorrel | The Nightgold lord is quite charming in a boyish sort of way. A bit noisy, even in libraries, but his good manners make up for it. |
Sparte | A very energetic and friendly new recruit. I'm not sure if he'll stick with it yet, but I'm hopefuly! |
Svana | He makes a dynamic (comedy) duo with Lord Kritr. Love his spirit! |
Tarik | Someone has been atudying about bear. I must confess I am truly surprise with all the information that he offered me. I have been searching for that research all winter. Now that my mental hibernation is over, I can pursue more knowledge and I have him to thank for it. I share remember this meeting for awhile. |
Thesarin | The sort of energy tires a man out just being close to him. |
Tomwell | Iron Guard. Seems a bit confused about life, generally, and musical instruments, specifically. |