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Bisland Meeting of the Marches

After the Grayson Military Briefing, the Bislands are holding a Meeting of the Marches to touch base with the Bisland vassals. All vassal houses and commoners are welcome to attend. The agenda is loose. Bring your concerns, questions and updates on the goings on within the Duchy.


Oct. 25, 2017, 11 p.m.

Hosted By



Malesh Aiden(RIP) Joslyn Esoka Samantha Thesarin



Arx - Ward of House Grayson - Bisland Manor - Great Hall

Largesse Level


Comments and Log


I am glad the renovations to the Bisland Manor are just about complete in time for the Bisland Meeting of the Marches this week. I would not care to host our esteemed vassals and guests in an active construction site.

"Esoka," Samantha greets warmly. "I've spent my entire day working and I just thought if I had to do another bit of business without her, I'd be miserable. And also, if Iona was home and she couldn't see her granddaughter, she might murder me." There's a chuckle, and she takes the baby from the nurse once she's settled in.

"Marquessa." Thesarin claps a fist to his chest, and takes a step toward Samantha. "And the little lordling." He offers a bit of a smile, giving a low nod.

"Setarco is a bit aways away from Tor. Tor is closer to Southport, and Setarco is on a nearby island. Really, the Lyceum is spread out pretty far, and with people's as varied as anywhere else," Joslyn smiles, sipping happily on the newly acquired wine. She rises to dip her head towards Samantha, respectfully. "Marquessa Deepwood," she smiles. "Oh, and you brought the little future Marquessa with you?" Joslyn grins broadly, practically squealing.

The Crownland folk music coming from the minstrel balcony ends and Samael makes his way over to the table and takes a seat at the end. "Yes," he says finally. "Shall we begin? Thank you all for coming." He places his wine glass down and regards everyone with a smile. He didn't greet Samantha so he does so, now, "Oh, Samantha, good of you to make it. Thank you for coming and bringing the baby. Very precious."

Aiden, seated at the table, remains rather quiet, sipping on some wine that he's had brought over. When Samantha comes in his attention swivels toward her and he offers a polite smile, though his own greeting might be lost over the others, but he does bob his head all the same. Afterward, his attention reverts upon his Uncle, expression showing intrigue.

"Traditionally a Meeting of the Marches might have a more formal agenda but I'm a new Voice for my brother, Gabriel, and I thought I'd have a more informal assembly in which to assess the needs of the Marches," Samael begins. "So dispense with ceremony and let's get down to it."

"She is so much bigger every time I see her! It's amazing!" Esoka says, of Samantha's Marquis-spawn. She sits back down. Seeming tempted to ask Joslyn //many// more questions about the Lyceum. But she falls quiet as Samael gets things rolling.

Samantha murmurs to Thesarin in amusement, "A little marquessa, but yes." She grins at Joslyn and Esoka, adding for them, "Holding privileges are fully open, first come, first served." Aiden is regarded with mild puzzlement but easy acceptance, and her smile turns wry at Samael's remark. "Thank you, Uncle." With that, she settles to attention.

Joslyn is practically making grabby hands with her eyes as she adores the invant, but with business afoot, she turns her attention away from her (with great personal effort) and turns her attention back to Samael.

Thesarin takes a seat, and leans forward, fingers locked together in his lap.

Malesh is announced and what not, despite his tardiness. His long legs carrying him in few steps over towards the meeting area. He looks to join in and sit near Joslyn, and he looks around with an apologetic expression. "I'm so sorry all, It's just a bit of a walk and you know I had been encouraging Ariel to make it, but alas she could not manage." He's got a ledger with him, because he often does.

Samael looks toward Malesh as he enters and smiles. He waits for him to find his seat and then addresses Malesh and Samantha, "How are things in the woods? Is there any concerns you need addressed


Aiden's eyes flicker over toward Malesh at the mention of Ariel, murmuring, "Marquis, please pass on to Marquessa Ariel my best regards." His mouth curls softly, politely, and he settles back in to listen, not wishing to interject further. For him it's about carrying on the connection with his mother's side of the family, attentive eyes marking between Malesh and Samantha.

Joslyn dips her head into a greeting towards Malesh, casting a smile before focusing her attention once more on the others gathered about the table.

"Deepwood's population has grown exponentially." Samantha seems happy to report. "Between my Prodigals and the newly arrived thralls, I'm very grateful for the expansion of my lands, it's giving all of these new people opportunities. That being said, I've been meaning to ask you, Marquis," Her attention turns to Malesh. "How are you with regard to a workforce? Because more thralls will be freed over the next few years, and if you can offer any kind of incentive for them to relocate I'd be happy to release any who've sworn fealty if it will aid you in Stonewood's recovery."

Esoka gives Malesh a little half-bow, largely settling into the background for the political part of this meeting. Though she perks at mention of the thralls. "If they need any aid in getting acclimated, Marquessa, please only ask. It must be a very difficult adjustment to make. As one who had to find her own footing in the Compact, I would do all for them that I can."

Malesh shifts in his seat some, his hands folded one over the other across his ledger atop the table. He's very tall still, even while sitting. Perhaps especially while sitting, as he's over a foot taller than Joslyn. He nods around the table, appearing to be a fairly reserved man in this setting, despite having been more open (especially after the reward drinks) on the day of the Crew Race. "Thank you Marquessa..." He starts, speaking slow as if he's still thinking up his reply, "And Dame Esoka as well..." he clears his throat a little, speaking mostly to Samael now but doing his best to kind of keep his eyes moving around the table. He can't row or fight but he's a trained talker it seems. "It's true that there is a County sworn to us, the Cedar Vale, that was badly devestated by invaders in the months following the siege. While my brother Gailin has reclaimed the land it, and it's people, have been struck to a very low point. We have stopped the bleeding but they are still wounded." He sighs a little and clears his throat again, "My people, and perhaps I in particular, have not always been good at asking for help. Your offers here are appreciated, but I'll admit to being somewhat at a loss. Many of my people now have a negative view of those people that live near us but outside of our society..." THe Shavs, "And with so many killed or starved, I worry what would become of the county if too many outsiders are brought in. It will not be an easy balance to strike."

"The world moves." Thesarin swirls the wine in his glass, and he has a slow sip. "We move with it or we fall behind."

"Deepwood growth is good to see," Samael says with a nod toward Samantha, his niece. "If Stonewood can not make full use of the new workforce and you're struggling to put them all to work in Deepwood I may be able to help find other opportunities." He then looks toward Malesh. "I have spoken to Gailin, informally, and pledged Bisland support. I trust you have an idea on they types of support you'll need."

"We're not struggling." Samantha's brows furrow a little bit. "The more we expand, the more opportunity arises. But if Cedar Vale needs help, it behooves us all to try to assist them in the best way possible. Which I suppose begs the question," Again, Sam turns her attention to Malesh. "What are Cedar Vale's most critical needs? Rebuilding homes? Replanting crops? Refreshing livestock?"

Samael shrugs his shoulders. "Good," he says toward Samantha. "Expand as far as you're able."

"The world moves," Esoka murmurs, in like with Thesarin. Her head tilts toward Malesh, at Samantha's question. "I think I have met Lord Gailin. Stonewood's Sword, yes? He seems very eager to get to work, though I'm sure the challenges are many."

Joslyn sips her wine curiously and remains silent for the time being. These are things outside of her perview and as such she doesn't have a great deal to add.

Aiden takes the opportunity to scribble down a few things in his notebook, using the conversation as measure of his education. His mother would be so proud that he's taking an interest! He otherwise, like Joslyn, has little to voice about the present discussion.

Malesh nods to Esoka, "He is a man who does things, yes, that is how he was able to re-take the land with so few men. Out numbered or not, Gailin will fight like ten men if needed." He glances at Joslyn and then looks back to the table. He shifts in his seat. "My apologies all, but this is not a thing that I find ease in speaking about. I was raised in a home of self reliance, and even speaking on the matter is difficult." He takes a deep breath then an admits, "To be blunt, I'm afraid that there is nothing that the people of Cedar Vale do not want for. The valley itself occupies a particular route through the mountains, and if not for that I might dare say we'd be better off abondoning it. They have some economic value to themselves, and the hot springs are very nice in the winter mind you, but after this attack they have very little. Many buildings were destroyed, entire farms and ranches either pillaged or burnt." He swallows, "I've been working with the Silver Consortium now, trying to manage moving goods to help rebuild. We've some success in feeding the people from Stonewood crops but that's only due to the uh..." He swallows again, his voice a littler softer, "smaller population."

Aiden's note taking comes to a sudden halt when Malesh gets into detail about buildings being destroyed. He clears his throat and murmurs, "As Minister of Upkeep, I can see what there is to be done about your situation. I can make a pitch to the Voices on your behalf. It is within my realm to suggest to the High Lady and the King, where to direct their resources. They may not be aware of how badly damaged Cedar Vale is."

Samantha suggests to Aiden, gently rocking Nara as she starts to fuss, "You could ask the King to dispatch and Observer to make an assessment of the situation, and report back?" After a moment, she gestures to the nurse, who gives her a small towel to drape across herself.

Samael looks toward Aiden and says, "Yes, a detailed accounting of what is needed is my main concern. If we could have some assessment from clerks we might be able to begin funneling our resources in the proper manner. The Crown may be more equipped to deal with this type of disaster relief."

Aiden nods to the suggestion from Samantha, "I will prepare some missives tonight on the matter. If we're about to lose a county because of recent struggles, the King needs to be aware of it, as does High Lady Lark and my ... and Prince Calarian." He jots down a few more things, likely reminders and beginnings of a missive, offering to the table, "I will make it a priority."

Joslyn nods and sits with her wine in hand. "With any luck, these few resources will go a long way into the rebuilding of the land," Joslyn says, with a glance to those gathered. "As always, I'll be making deals and gathering coin for our coffers. Anything that might help with the restoration efforts."

Zelda, the royal messenger arrives, delivering a message to Samantha before departing.

Malesh lowers his head some, but tries to keep his voice up. He's a little red in the cheeks here. "I've made a mistake in not bringing this issue before you all sooner. I was weary to ask for help, but I see now that in not informing everyone that this had occured, even when the eyes and ears of the compact were on the Maelstrom, that I might have put us all at risk. I am deeply humbled by your offers of assistance."

"There are no more skilled diplomats in the land than the Observers," Esoka says. "Countess Mia counts herself among them. My own skill is mainly in my swordarm, but I shall give my support where I can. To brute manual labor, if nothing else. I am very good at lifting things!"

"My Lady Wife has been working on trade deals with our neighbors," Thesarin offers in his low runble. "I'll have her speak with you." He looks from Samael to Malesh and nods again, once before lifting the glass of wine to his lips and finishing it in a single long pull.

Quork the uncommon black raven arrives, delivering a message to Aiden before departing.

Joslyn nods to Thesarin. "Send her my way as well. I'll see that we can get a good deal between us all," Joslyn says, relaxing in her seat and sipping a bit more on her wine, refilling the glass with the bottle that she's kept at her side the entire meeting. It looks nearly empty.

Malesh's head comes back up, "Observers would be grand I suspect. Certainly they would be better at relaying the details of the situation than I have been." He looks suddenly uncomfortable but forces himself to continue, "In this effort to help the people of Cedar Vale, I have to make something of an admission on a private matter." He steeles himself and sits up straighter, "If any of you seek to implore the Graysons for help, and we surely need it, things might be best for us if that is handled through one voice, such as Calarian, or perhaps Prince Aiden who I am fortunate enough to have here with us. My sister and Princess Cara are both of southern blood and I'm afraid that there is something of a personal issue between them. I normally would not dare to mention such a thing, but if Cara's personal feelings would jeopordise the people of Cedar Vale by proxy, then I suppose it must ne made known."

While everyone was talking... Aiden was apparently prompt in his missives! He handed something off to a messenger after flagging down a servant to fetch him one.

Esoka grunts under her breath, but she makes //no// comment on inter-Grayson politics. She just enjoys her wine and waits for instructions on hitting things. Such are the concerns of a knight.

Samael shakes his head toward Malesh, "Think nothing of it, Marquis. What sort of a liege would we be if we abandoned you now in your time of need?" He then looks toward his nephew, "I believe we can trust Aiden to be our Grayson liaison, if that is agreeable to you, son."

Samantha's attention is sharply turned toward Malesh. "Marquis," she says sternly, "Princess Cara would never put a personal distaste for someone above the welfare of the Compact. I don't suggest that you promote that idea any further than this room, my lord, especially not about a Grayson princess."

Thesarin simply shakes his head, very slightly, and very slowly.

Aiden looks up from where he was passing off the letter, caught in a few looks between the others at the table. Samael's words to him shake him out of his distraction, "Yes sir. I can until Prince Calarian catches wind. He may even interject to help himself." He quiets then to catch up to the personal drama, completely unaware of it!

Malesh hasn't moved very much, mostly just shifting his weight around, but he raises his hand now in oathe. "I do not claim to know everything Marquessa Deepwood, nor do I claim always to be right, but I can say with all the faith of Limerance that if Princess Cara Grayson treated Stonewood in an undeservied manner on this issue, that it would neither surprise me nor be the first occurance of such treatment. Out of respect for her station, I will so no more on the matter, as I always intend to keep such things private."

"Alright," Samael says, finally. "Maybe we should be discussing this matter privately." He stands from the table, "If there is no other matter worthy of the whole assembly then I should think we are done here. Thank you all from coming. I will be in contact with you each individually about some trade contract business. We can further discuss individual needs if you care to then."

Samantha adjusts baby, towel, and hands off both to nurse. "Thank you, Lord Samael. I'm glad you called this meeting."

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